office hours are nine to five. i know. it's no big deal, but let's hurry up. i gotta go to work. askin'? like how? how you hear this? it ain't nothin'. he's just makin' conversation. alright brad! christ jesus, i owe a little, shit, but i'll pay. believe me, that guy wants his juice, his e, he comes to me. it's fine. yeah. alright, come inside and let's do this thing. i got work. yeah. so you're keeping melinda? ron, that is totally fucked! i been here way longer than her! but she doesn't do anything! she just sits at the front desk all day. tell her to fix the fucking lat machine, she'll look at you cross-eyed. fucking great. thanks. what are you talkin' about? nowhere. i been working. look, they lost, i owe you some more, so what? i'll pay you. i want to put it on indy tonight. i know they're talkin'! i ain't like that. nothin'. i'm working tonight. nah. i'm gonna start early, if that's alright. i could use the cash. hey, car, it's me. i got a delivery in the area so i'm stopping by a little early. see you in a little while. saw your cat outside. i gotta get back to work. i got more pies in the car. car? yeah, it's jimmy! matt?! speak up, man, i can barely hear you! what?! alright, alright! i got it, man, got plenty! i'll see you tonight! yeah, it's jimmy! alright, man, when do you need it?! matt, you're way out of the way, man! wait for another delivery. what's the rush?! really?! jesus! shit, dave, sorry 'bout that. i was talkin' on the phone. i didn't see the stop sign, i guess. holy shit, man, is she alright? what're you, a fuckin' doctor? we need ta get her to a hospital. dave, look at her fuckin' head! she's bleedin' all over the place! that's retarded. dave, you're a sick fuck. i'm calling 911. look at the blood! she needs a doctor. what the hell's k gonna do? you should take better care of your girl. holy shit. you're fucked up. hey, you need any juice or anythin'? you sure? look, man, i just got a buncha' stuff. coke, e, k. i gotta sell it fast, you can sell it to your crackhead friends whenever. no. i'm just, i'm payin', like, twenty percent on my cards and shit, and it drives me fuckin' nuts, pissin' all my money away. you want it? hey, your nose is bleedin'. no, just horsin' around. yeah. sorry, man. i got into a freakin' accident! look, you're pissin' me off now! remember who's doin' fuckin' who the favor! i got shit i gotta do! i didn't want to bring my bag to your house, with your fuckin' parents home. where's my grand theft auto? what'd you do that for? get it back. alright, sixty bucks. dude, stop your bitchin' and pay up. i told you this shit, i told you. asshole, fifty is the regular fuckin' price! look! this is a pain in my ass, comin' way out here, and i said i'd charge you extra. i don't give a shit if its ten over the regular price, or twenty-five over your fuckin' "discount price," but you're payin' sixty bucks for this jar. gimme fifty even. fine, you cheap-ass fuckin' bastard. here, man, go fuckin' get high. yeah, its jimmy. i got into an accident! i'm fine! my car's banged up, but i'm on my way! yeah! hello? who is this? i'm driving. who is this? hey, kwon. what's up? where are you? where's car? he did? well, yeah, i stopped by this morning. nobody was there. no. nobody answered the door. can't do it now. i'm delivering on the other side of town. i can't. what's the big deal? car? i don't know. nothing happened, kwon. i knocked and no one answered. that's what i meant. no. no one answered. why didn't i call. good question. look, i didn't think of it. i got a lotta shit on my mind right now. no. i will. sorry about car. fuck off! around. deliverin'. what's up. where? can't do it 'til after work. i gotta eat. i'm going back to work now. my boss needs me - i'm the only delivery guy. yeah. i told you, i ain't got your shit. hey, it's jimmy. you want the juice? the juice? who? for how much? he's got money? gimme his number, man. kwon, what the hell are you doing? don't know. maybe nine or nine-thirty. is this sinjin? this is jimmy. juicehead dave's friend. thirty bucks. i don't believe this shit. you got nine! jesus christ! you knew what you asked for! no, this is fuckin' ridiculous. what'd you call me for? i ain't runnin' a goddam soup kitchen here. yes, for thirty bucks. it's ten. fine. enjoy your night. you're sinjin? i like to stand usually. i thought it was gonna be just me an' you. bobby, where the hell are you? i gotta talk to you. call me back right away. that's what i'm doing! bob, just listen to me! i'm selling, but it's sinjin. yes. and louie and rj. fucking three guys. a cripple 'cause he got shot! all i want you to do is just sit there! and nothin'! goddamit fuckin' bob, i'll handle everything. everything. you just sit your big fuckin' ass there, it'll be enough. they won't fuck with you, bein' in prison and shit. look bobby, alright, i told 'em i had a partner, that's you. you're gonna help me now or you're not. and if you don't, i'm a little fucked. jesus, bobby, i'll owe you. alright? i'll owe you. just help me out here. help me. just hold on. where you been?