i've been waiting on this day for ten thousand years. well dad says it's the breaks that make the torture. you have to let people feel a sense of relief. then again, the beauty of dad retiring is what he says doesn't matter anymore. you sure about this decision, dad? and he's dead serious. um, excuse me, we're having a private conversation here. twenty-thousand years ago, grandpa lucifer said, "it is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven." well, i'm getting tired of serving in hell. we need a place where we can rule. could you concentrate for five seconds? what do you think about. earth? we could create our own hell there. eventually, cassius. but first we corrupt as many as we can so that when we do destroy them. it's our time, brother. oh, this is delicious. well, we must get people sinning if we want to fill up our new hell. how are things going down at city hall? brilliant. this is so much fun. i never want it to end. when an adult goes to hell, that's terrific. but when a child goes. that's why i'm in this business. you shouldn't have come here. he's sick? he should have thought of that before he denied me my birthright. how about this? i stay here enjoying my schnapps and you go back. ta-da. so what time is my brother expected back? you know what you'll get? an indescribably horrific torture administered by demons for the rest of eternity. sure, why not? to the defilement of earth and the corruption of its people. it is awfully hot down here. how do you manage to stay so cool? this liquid will probably quench my thirst. cool me off. or maybe it will trap me inside for all eternity. oh, nicky, i've missed you. come on out and say hello. i'm calling you out, brother. hello, cassius. you know, new hell really only needs one new satan. but cassius could use some company for the rest of eternity. so get in the flask. of course i can. drink or she dies. unlike you, she won't come back from where she's going. i hear a train coming. drink. ahhh! see you in hell! where's nicky? i came through that gate alone. somebody explain what's going on. perhaps a titty twister will loosen your lips. how much time does dad have before that happens? thirty minutes. hmmm. i hope you don't mind if i take a seat while i wait for you. ten thousand years. and i never once got to sit here. wow. and this is just a little taste of my power. ah-ah. not so fast, demons. there are a couple of million evil souls on earth ready to be harvested. anyone interested? welcome to the party. it's so nice to see all of you here. i'm very proud of you. you've taken to sin with minimal prompting. you're acting as if there is no heaven or hell. well, i have some news. at the stroke of midnight, my father will be completely deteriorated. and all of your souls will be mine. soon you will see things more horrible than you can even imagine. not that horrible, but still pretty bad. so while we wait, for your enjoyment, i bring you a dear sweet man and an international icon. henry winkler! covered in bees! you know, from this angle, you're kind of cute. yummy. keep it up and i just might make you my queen for a night or two. little nicky. is this a joke? not bad, little brother. let's see what you've got. enough. i'm going to kill you with my bare hands. absolutely not. a little help over here. henry! goodbye, nicky. i was going to let you out, eventually, cassius. i swear. what? no tongue? no!