oh. my. g-d. i can't believe you're here. welcome. can i just tell you, i am so excited right now. i'm sorry, you're just so cute. maybe try the opposite of that. okay, can i just ask you something? what do you know about your mom? a mountain goat? that's really sweet. try an angel. unh-huh. which would make you half angel. well, she was about six-three, only spoke portuguese and had really long grey hair. i'm sorry, i'm totally busting on you. i'm your mom. angels don't get any older, son. oh my g-d. this is so wild. i think they were hookers or strippers or something really porno like. oh, chubbs. i totally spaced. i'm so sorry. i have company. it's my son, nicky. my son. can you believe it? nicky, this is chubbs. he used to be a golf pro, but up here he's the dopest dance instructor. it was a long time ago, at some heaven and hell mixer. try four and a half. at first i totally didn't like him. but i don't know, he was funny, he made me laugh, and i hate to say it but he had a really nice body. well, i really wasn't thinking about making a baby at the time! hello. yes, he's here with me now. i don't know if he's hot, he's my son, you perv! i'll call you back. oh my g-d, i will call you back, goodbye. that was my friend, michelle, she says "hi." i'll call her later. that's why you came up to heaven instead of hell. self-sacrifice automatically gets you here. we can see what's going on anywhere on earth. look. all these good people have totally been led astray. there's like a three day rave goin' on down there. no on is going to work anymore. let's see. i can't believe i did it with him. she's so nice. i would totally love to go there. but i hear it's really hard to get in. yeah, you do. stronger, yes. smarter, definitely. but you have something he doesn't have. no, you have the inner light. you can totally use it. it's the best power of all. and in case you get in real bad trouble, g-d told me to give you this. i'm not a hundred percent on that. g-d said when the time comes, you'll know what to do. well, goodbye. for now. can i just do this? that was such a mom thing, wasn't it? it would be so okay. you're already there. i totally had to do that. okay, you just saw my son save the universe. right?! oh my g-d. he's totally talking about me.