hey, terrific!! now get off the track and come with me, shitstains. my name's beefy. i'm an old friend of your father's. he's asked me to help you out. it's not gonna be easy. your brothers can possess people. so they probably won't look like themselves. you have to be suspicious of everyone. it's not me, moron. makin' friends already. you're on earth now, kid. gonna have the same physical needs and limitations a human has. we'll stop by k-mart. get you some warm clothes. that pain is hunger. put it in your mouth. move your teeth up and down. now you gotta swallow it. tilt your head back and let the meat slide down your throat-hole. it sure is. now eat it up. you're gonna need your energy. great. now your father gave me some deposit money for a nice pad on the upper east side. but i misplaced it. so i found this other joint for you. but you're gonna have a roommate. you'll be alright. go on. big day tomorrow. don't forget to do that sleep thing i told you about. look, it's okay for me to shit the street. but you gotta use a toilet. come on, there's like ten million people in this city and the clock is ticking. i think we have to work on narrowing down our list of suspects. now i'm going to go check in with some of my contacts uptown. kid's got a lot of evil in him, just begging to come out. remember, it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean. your brothers are upsetting the balance of good and evil. you can't do jack shit. unless you learn your evil powers. go get a soda out of the fridge. "but those are my roommate's sodas" does that sound like a statement the son of the devil would make? you have the power to change the cola in that can into any other liquid - engine oil, bat's blood, moose piss. you just have to release the evil within you. i'm just saying, there's wickedness in you. i can tell from your snores. release your evil. trying to capture his brother in a flask and preserve the balance of good and evil on earth. no. take him to the hole, nicky. i mean, woof! woof! i used to get baked like this with my first girlfriend, heather. we'd get so stoned she would forget i was a dog. actually, she was a sewer rat. man, that pissed my parents off. busted. maybe you love her. but what do i know? i'm baked out of my mind. you better snap out of it soon, kid. cause we're going after adrian tomorrow. seven am. nighty, night. the shit has hit the fan, kid. take a look. look. you were really high. things happen. i think you're looking at him. he superimposed your head onto "scarface." i don't know, this is a little out of my league. he'll be here. just keep your cool, kid. we've been ratted out. now that hurt the both of us. i can't screw. i can't screw. that turn you on there, rupaul? no if you do something bad right before you die. only a quarter, ma'am.