in today's gospel, the lord tells us who we are to live if we wish to attain the splendor of heaven. or something like that. jesus sure says a lot of stuff in the bible. moses this. moses that. abraham hit me with a whiffle ball bat. yep, the lord sure did say a bunch of hibbity-jibbity. but has he ever really done anything for us? has he ever put a jaguar xjr in my driveway? has he ever given any of my enemies the herpes? no. he hasn't done a damn thing for any of us. ma'am, i know your son, and believe me, he was better off on drugs. he's a bore. at least when he was smoking hashish, he made me laugh occasionally. no, your best friend fitzie helped your wife conceive a baby. he helped her conceive it all night long. how about you, mr. mayor? the lord ever do anything for you? amen to that. let the sin begin! there is most definitely a hell! and you're all going there when you die! which will happen in about fifteen minutes.