what are you boys doing? cassius, didn't i tell you to stay out of your brother's mind? maybe this will help you remember. now everybody sit down. okay, kid, we'll listen to it later. my dad, your granddad, lucifer, was thrown out of heaven by g-d and rules here in hell for ten thousand years. and after this ten thousand years had passed, he decided to abdicate his throne. to step aside. . and let me become the ruler of hell. this, as some of you might know, is my ten thousandth year as prince of darkness. so i think the time has come to discuss who will succeed me. yes, jimmy. no, no, that's not what i said. he can keep his thumbs, but the fingers gotta go. this was a very difficult decision, because i have three wonderful sons. i mean, adrian, so smart, so ruthless. and cassius, so strong, so tough. and nicky, so. so. such a sweet boy. but after much thought and careful consideration, i've decided that the ruler for the next ten thousand years is going to have to be. me. the important thing for the stability of our rule is to maintain the balance between good and evil. and i don't think any of you are ready for that responsibility yet. you need the wisdom that comes only with the passage of time. right. right. send him in. i'm sorry, boys. i've got to get back to work. i'm telling you, pal, it's the right thing to do. now that was an experience. "you are only coming through in waves." that line blows my mind every time. i don't care what kind of mood you're in at the start of that song. when it's over, that mood has been altered. wow. great shit. what's next? who is this, metal-lick-a? i was just playing with you. i'm sorry. after careful consideration, i regretfully have to decline. in exchange for eternal damnation of your soul? you're too nice of a guy for me to want to do that to you, mr. marino. yeah, but joe was coming here anyways. just go back to earth and enjoy your records and the hall of fame and the beautiful family and all that. now you're talking. and i also happen to be a jets fan. oh, boy. oh boy. calm down. get off your knees. this is bad, nicky. i'm gonna die, nicky. if the gates are broken, no new souls can get in, which means i'll start to deteriorate into nothing. everything's fine, pop. please, pop, just go back to your room. sure, pop. whatever you want. to do that cassius and adrian have to come back through the other way. i'm too weak. the process has already begun. nicky, the worst thing that could happen on earth is you get killed, in which case, boom, you end up back here. here. get them drunk from this. one sip and they'll be trapped inside. once you've got both of them, you bring the flask back through the gate. son, just do your best. that's a train, son. don't stand in front of them. please, nicky, get back up there. try to hurry. what are you gonna do? look at me, nicky! i got no legs, i got no hips, i got one ear. i got no ears! i can't hear! i can't hear you, nicky. i can't hear anything! put it back on my head. i'm falling apart here. i can't see shit. you're all still here, right? boooo. hell's gonna bust wide open. demons, get him out of the chair! you came through, nicky. you're back in hell now, kid. there's no butterflies here. if you want butterflies, you need to be on earth. nicky, i let my butterflies die once upon a time and it's never stopped hurting. that's right, you heard me, holly. i'm still in love with you. and don't think i forgot about how crazy you get after a few daiquiris. listen, i got down low. your mom's got up high. you take care of the middle.