welcome! what do you think? hey, what are you doing?!? you can't go through there. the fire flows in, not out. you know something? you guys suck! you really suck! your highness, cassius and adrian have escaped from hell. they went through the fire, and they broke it. i think they took the new york tunnel. i tried to stop them, but they overpowered me, sir. thanks for being so understanding, your worship. you're the man. you've always been the man. i'm lucky to get away with just the head boobs, right? that's what i'm thinkin'. oh, this is gonna be a whole new lifestyle for me, isn't it. hey. thanks. you got it. could you maybe not tell anyone about this? bus? you like that? you think that's funny? how about that? you like that? doesn't sound very good behind there. i hope nicky's kicking some ass on earth. i know, your wickedness. it's stanley, sir. what was it called, sir. that's nice, grandpa. why don't you just enjoy the fishing? you'll get nothing out of me. the only way to save your dad is for you and your brothers to pass through the gates at the same time before he deteriorates completely. thirty minutes. and then whoever claims his throne will have unimaginable power. absolutely. i don't know how you came up with some of it.