hey. okay, but jimmy, when the house is rockin', don't forget the knockin'! good, thanks. actually, i'll take a rain check on0 yes, you got me. got me for sure, yes. oh no. please cassius. aaaaah. nothing, dad. just re-arranging the furniture. hey, dad, i'm almost finished laying down my monsters of metal compilation tape. i really think it's a masterpiece. don't worry about coming up with anything. it's cool. hallelujah. i mean. tough break. definitely. well, i thought that after messing with your head, i'd give you a little kick in the keester. metallica, dad. come on. you're a good devil, dad. coulda been much worse. how bad? we gotta get this bad boy burning again. ideas? so go get 'em, dad! so go get 'em, jimmy! you're not saying it's up to me? i've never been to earth. i've never even slept over at some other dude's house! are you telling me i have to go to earth and kill my brothers? no. this can't be happening. okay. earth. the blue marble. this doesn't look too bad. i got hit by a big light that was attached to a lot of metal. well, i guess i'm going to have to take a mulligan on this one. i'm nicky. i just need to find my brothers and be on my way, beefy. okay, "bro," this jig is up. just get in the bottle. just slide right on in there. oh. sorry. it's freezing up here, beefy. i also have this odd pain in my mid section. kind of a hollow feeling. so far, so good. now what? hey. popeye's chicken is ass kickin'! i got energy up the ying-ying. let's get cracking! that's a pretty brassiere. could you maybe not tell anyone about this? you got it. from now on. i'm just going to avoid all moving metal objects. hello, friend, my name is nicky. i understand you're seeking a roommate, as per your advertisement in the village voice. would it be possible for me to fill the slot? yes. what is rent? off limits. no. yeah. the deep south. i don't know. got ya. is it okay if i do the sleep thing? this is intense! and it happens every day? sometimes twice? i gotta tip my hat to you people! okay, just point me in the right direction next time. well, let's rock and roll. get in the bottle. dad's falling apart. you froze the gate and you're killing him. drink! just get in the flask! adrian and cassius! you think a kick to the head is gonna make me throw in the towel? well, in the immortal words of judas priest, "you got another thing comin'." beast. all that running and chasing is making the sleep thing want to come early. oh nooooo. which way did he go? iron maiden live double disc is simply phenomenal. hey. yes. i would like my flask back. no, i'm just calling you. a guy who has my flask. i don't know? it was handcrafted in hell by satan himself and is only to be used for the capture and containment of my blood brothers so that the firefall of hades will burn brightly once again. sir, i would prefer if you didn't raise your voice. it's making my muscles tighten. hey, mister. i'll be seeing you in a few years. that was amazing. thanks so much. you didn't have to do that. you think i'm a tourist? the south. yeah. deep south. i don't know, but i like it. say. your glasses are nice. they make your eyes look sparkly and big. it's fun to look at them. my dad's in hell, and he's falling apart. if i don't save him, i don't know what i'm gonna do. here, have a popeye's. this drumstick ain't for beatin' it's for eatin'. could i come with you to getting a gelati? want to? a million angry octopus people couldn't hold me back! uh, it's a deep south expression. it's freezing my hands. i have an apartment. i don't remember exactly where. my dog knows, though. i'm not sure. i'd ask him, but he's uptown talking to his contacts. school? what's that pleasant smell coming from, your skin? valerie, it feels like there's a bunch of butterflies flapping around in my stomach. is that normal? good. i was concerned. so you're saying, make all pants with a drawstring, then heavier set gals don't have to feel humiliated by telling their waist size in front of the whole store? wow. maybe you should make drawstring socks for gals with fat ankles. thanks much. you know what's nice about you, valerie? your juicy, heart-shaped ass. i. i don't know why i just said that. i meant to say that. i've always wanted to have sex with a gross pig. what do you say we go behind that dumpster, pull our pants down and see what happens? adrian! please, get out of my mind! hey, valerie! adrian, you gotta come back to hell. dad's sick. yeah, he needs souls to live. when you guys left, you broke the gates. we gotta get the gates burning again before he dies. well maybe you should go back and talk it over with him. adrian, please. what can i do about it? nobody's as evil as my brothers. those dudes put the wick in wicked. but those are my roommate's sodas. release the evil? that guy in the striped shirt snaps his fingers like someone i know. it looks like the work of a brother. if it's cassius, yes. i'll take the shot. release the evil. okay, too much evil. could i get another ball? i command you not to blow up and go into that metal circle. i know you're having fun, cassius, but you gotta come back to hell. listen up, new york. your souls are in great danger. alright, how about this? i get one more shot. the ref will cover me. i miss it, the globetrotters forfeit the game. i make it, he doesn't ref the second half and we all start conducting ourselves like decent human beings again. and we get free pizza. you know, dad got very sick when you left. never doubt my skills. sorry, cassius. maybe it was the super devil juice dad gave me. he thought i might need it for just such an occasion. no. no way. dad said it was only for me. absolutely nothing. the blizzard always came straight with his messages. but wrap your minds around this one. what's reefer? not again, fellas. it kind of hurts. all right. i'm only fifteen. thousand years old. a little strange. i can't stop thinking about this girl, valerie. we had the greatest afternoon of my life until adrian made me tell her she had a heart-shaped ass. no thanks. i'm afraid i wouldn't be able to give ozzy the focus he deserves. see ya, fellas. todd. which way to the parson's school of design? coconuts. you smell like coconuts. no thanks. i'm looking for a girl named valerie who also smells like coconuts. thanks, much. good luck with the genital tucking. adrian? hey. oh that stings! my eyes are on fire! i'm not sure, but it didn't involve getting blinded with poison. valerie? no. i think i'm floating. i don't know. maybe it's because of your sweet voice. i can't see you but i can smell you. and you make me feel alive in a way i've never felt before. oh. sorry, andrew. valerie? that wasn't me. i was being possessed by my brother, adrian. he's the one who call you a gross pig. remember when i told you my dad was in hell? well, that's because he's the devil. and he wants to keep his throne for another ten-thousand years. which is fine with me, but not with my brothers, so they broke out of hell, causing my dad. to decompose. and i love my dad very much. so i came to earth to save him but then crazy eyes stole my flask and i met you and. well, my dog tells me i just might be in love with you. you gotta believe me. you gotta believe in the butterflies. let me take care of that. next time. tonight, i want to share the most beautiful thing i could possibly imagine. east rutherford. i never thought i'd ever see ozzy live until he was dead. please tell me you like metal. my dog was right. i'm in love with you. moo ya san jie bay! what's going on here? ow. what was that for? release the evil. i seem to be in trouble, beefy. i didn't murder anybody i was with valerie, i swear. this is adrian's work. i've got to find him. this is baloney! i'm not nicky. i'm not home! i don't live here! i thought for sure i gave 'em the slip. good idea. kill me. yes. i'll meet you at grand central at noon. okay. do me. i command you. that just hurt a lot. dad, adrian's got the whole city after me. he's always a step ahead. what am i gonna do? uh, i'll do my best, dad. do you have any advice at all for me? i won't drink. you can't make me. let her go. i have to, valerie. valerie!!! that's terrific. now could you ladies point me to the black palace? i should check in with my dad. the home of eternal damnation, house of hades, h.e. double toothpicks. my brothers told me my mother was a mountain goat. which would explain my chronic halitosis. my mom wasn't a goat? an angel? wow. what. what did she look like? how come you're not older? are you adrian and cassius' mom, too? i don't think so. where did you meet my father? and that made you want to make a baby with him? well tell her i said "hi" back. how did you see me? hey, that's dad's throne! how did adrian get that? is dad okay? valerie's crying! i gotta help her. i gotta help dad. i gotta help everybody. but how can i win? adrian is stronger and smarter than me. a speech impediment? what is it? well, nice meeting you, jenna, christa. would it be okay if i called you mommy? well, mommy, get me to the big apple cause i'm gonna rock that town like a hurricane. release. the good. release the good. release the awesome. put it in your mouth and let it slide down your throat-hole. adrian, i'm asking you nicely, in the name of all that is good: release my friends and get in the flask. no. it's the inner light. and with it we can defeat anything you've got. okay, adrian, you've left me with no choice. love lifts me up where i belong. now i'm asking you nicely, get in the flas. oh, you wanna a pillow fight, do you?! now will you get in the flask? sole ruler of hell and earth is what i heard him keep saying. that was cassius! from my dad's side of the family. butterflies. i'll just go to heaven. sorry, henry. release the evil. do me. i love you. i came through for you, mom and the butterflies, dad. what about you and grandpa and everyone in hell? i will, dad. but in the words of motley crue, this will always be my. home sweet home. zachariah, say you're sorry.