excuse me, does that flask belong to this man? look, i know you come out here and sell stolen stuff all the time. but today, the guy you stole from just happened to walk by and bust you. so why don't you admit today's not your day and give him his flask back? no, but maybe that cop over there might have something to say. fine. i will. that's okay. i get messed with all the time and when i saw him doing that to you i just lost it. i hate when people take advantage of tourists. it ruins it for the rest of us. i'm sorry. i just assumed. your accent maybe. where are you from? really? why are you laughing? my dad's an optometrist. i'm sorry. it's really tough when your parents get older. well, i'm sure a nice southern boy like you will figure something out. that's alright. i already ate lunch. i actually wouldn't mind getting a gelati. if you want to. "octopus people?" it's not that cold. here, let me wrap it. this town is really going to hell lately. so what part of the city do you live in? you have a dog? what kind? i'd love to have a dog. but i go to school full time. it wouldn't be fair to the dog. parsons school of design. i knew growing up i wasn't much to look at, so i put my energy into making things that are pretty. my perfume? it's called "comptoir sud pacific." which i think is the french word for coconuts. sometimes, sure. basically, yeah. you know what's nice about you? you just seem happy being yourself. you don't try to act cool. what? what was that? you're a jerk. what the hell's your problem? nicky? oh my g-d. stay right there. what were you thinking coming here? oh my g-d, i'm so sorry! nicky? are you dead? what are you doing? why would you be floating? am i supposed to not be freaked out right now? because i am. i'm over here, nicky! to the left. look, just because you're floating doesn't mean i'm gonna forget about you giving me the finger. what do you mean, "possessed?" yes. "the devil?". okay, now i get that "deep south" joke. i don't know if i should believe you. okay, i do. get back up here. this is amazing. he's kind of ruining the mood. can we go fly over central park? we're going to jersey? "mister crowley, what's inside of your head" don't do it. you think so? why don't you come a little closer and i'll show you a better angle. nicky! where'd a sweet southern boy learn to fight like that? nicky. nicky. you gotta fly out. i know you can do it. do it for the butterflies. put him in, ozzy. grand central, nicky. start running. i love you. thank yo.