any nudity? i'll do it. i like ellen. the shower scene. rolling! rolling! i'm sorry, i have to cut. i was completely off on the focus. it's my fault, i'm sorry. i've got it now. rolling! rolling! rolling! rolling! "ellen, i have no memory of this line whatsoever." rolling! in the bathroom. he doesn't feel good. rolling! it's somebody's watch! it just says "scene six: ellen and damian kiss." i like ellen. she's my type. she's pretty. smart. kind of kooky. oh yeah? alright. sure. no. rolling! rolling! rolling! rolling! maurice. rolling! rolling! why not? next time. this is an emergency. oh. sorry. i need to use the bathroom. kind of an emergency. damn. '85. way to go, bob. rolling! rolling! way to go, bob. maybe both the oil and gas go in there? rolling! rolling! nailed it.