the crew is assembled behind the camera. wolf is now wearing a black eyepatch over one eye. nick is on the set, talking with nicole and palomino. palomino wears a tuxedo and nicole is in an elaborate low-cut gown. palomino tiptoes again back to his spot. nicole raises her head and nods once to nick. she seems to have aroused some real emotion in herself. palomino saunters onto the set as wolf and his crew finish relighting. wanda crosses the set and assumes her position beside the camera. wolf sits behind it, barely a foot away. nicole listens to the last line of the previous take. the camera reveals nicole now seated in her spot on the bed. she rises as nick and palomino reappear and approach her from behind the set. nick and nicole are sitting up on the bed, alone on the now empty set. nick is working with the crew and the actors. the set consists of two flats joined to make a corner. the flats are painted fire-engine red. nick rushes up to his position by the camera. the smoke blanks out the entire frame. frantic shouts are heard from unseen bodies. the camera holds on tito pacing slowly, alone on the set. he is smoking fiercely, holding his top hat with one hand. suddenly he begins laughing in a loud, stage bellow. nick rushes back onto the set. nick walks back on the set and addresses nicole and tito. nick paces tensely in front of nicole and tito. the camera is wide, showing the entire set, actors, and crew. everyone stands in perfect silence, as motionless as statues. as the silence continues the mood on the set gradually changes. one by one people drift into their own private worlds of reflection. ms nick, still wrapped in thought, his lips starting to form the same idiotic smile. ms nicole. the camera dollies slowly into her face, now tinged with a slight uneasiness. ms nicole. she jerks her head slightly in response to this moment of thought. ms wolf. he glances furtively at wanda with a trace of hope still in his eyes. ms wanda. she shifts slightly and glances quickly around her. her smile is tinged with the hint of sexual pleasure. ms the gaffer. a hopeful, delicious smile spreading over his face. ms nick, his head and body jerking in a sudden spasm. he finishes the last word of his speech in a choked whisper and the sound man frowns hard at him.