they're waiting downstairs. oh, ok. listen, i've got to tell you, i had a lot of fun last night, really, but for me, where i'm at right now in my life, a relationship is. i just thought you might. hey, that's not my style. so, i'll see you on the set. i got two films coming up right after yours, nick. one i play a rapist that michelle pfeiffer falls in love with. the other i'm kind of a sexy serial killer who shacks up with winona ryder. yeah, but i'm not into that hostess twinkie shit, nick. that hollywood shit. it's all fluff, man. these are the kind of movies i want to do, right here. hey, me too! you're a great director, man. your films are wacked! and i'm gonna be watching you, buddy. like a hawk. i want to learn from you, nick. i'm gonna pick your brain. see what i mean? you're wacked. hey, what are we sitting here for? nicole? she's takin' a tax -- probably taking a shower or something. hey, how was her shower scene in that richard gere movie? hey! how'd you get here, nicole? oh, cause we were wondering how you got here. you got it, chief. great shirt, wanda. it looks good on you, man. admired? that sounds rather professional. it sounds like the champagne talking. why didn't you tell me? god. and all this time i thought. great. i've got a thought. what about damian having an eyepatch like wolf's? ok, you're the genius. nick reve, living in oblivion, scene six, take one. let's shoot it! alright, wolfman. admired? that sounds rather professional. it sounds like the champagne talking. why didn't you tell me? god. and all this time i thought. oh no, man. i held back. it really felt like something damian would do; holding back to the last moment. the lone wolf! "me, me, me," that's the cue. let's shoot; i'm stoked! great. it's a great scene, man. definitely. hey, say no more, chief. admired? that sounds rather professional. it sounds like the champagne talking. why didn't you tell me? god. and all this time i thought. the more i thought about it the more it didn't seem right. and i'm thinking, watch me here, instead of coming around the bed, what if i just slip here like this and do the whole scene lying down? hey, i'm just throwing out ideas here. trying to get the juices flowing. hey, wolf; i'm not worried about my face, man. it's about the acting; that's all i care about. i'm there, man. i got the dam going, the river, everything. you watch, that little change in the blocking is going to open the whole scene up for me. admired? that sounds rather professional. it sounds like the champagne talking. why didn't you tell me? dammit! that was a good one! which one was that? there's been so many damn changes. could somebody help me out please? thank you. thank you very much. someone over here smells very, very nice. nick, i just had a great idea! just stop me if i'm out of line here, but she says "admired from afar," right? doesn't it make sense to see damian up close and her "afar?" you start on a close-up of damian, watch me here; as she declares her love, the camera moves with me into this primo two-shot that you and the wolfmeister have set up here. hey, you did it, man. it's all there in the writing. my pleasure. sugar? you like jazz? maybe we could go hear some tonight. yo, wolfman. is this my new mark? hey, whatya say. chad palomino; actor. hey, what's your name? maurice! hey, maurice chevalier! any relation? probably not. hey, smoking crew guys, really. oh, yeah? hey, bill. see that light over there? lower it about three feet. wolf, could i borrow it? cause i'm telling you, nick; it really feels right. i feel like this guy now, man. you're wrong, man. i'm going to fight you on this one. fine. i'll get my own. nick, send someone out for an eyepatch. i'll fucking pay for it myself. really? jesus. you're right. thanks, buddy. good call. el lobo! admired? that sounds rather professional. it sounds like the champagne talking. why didn't you tell me? nick, could i talk to you a second? i'm out of here, man! i like you, but i made a big mistake taking this part. have someone call me a cab. i can't act with this woman. i know she's a friend of yours but i got to tell you: she cannot act worth a shit! i'm giving her everything! the whole thing i just did with the hair; did you see that? i came up with that on my own because i thought it would help her. but no, she's giving me nothing! i'm out of here. god, and all this time i thought. why did you cast her? she sucked in that richard gere movie! i'll tell you what this is about, man. you know why she took a cab this morning? no. she was in my hotel room and she didn't want you to know it. ok? i'm sorry it had to come out like this but i told her this morning "thanks a lot, it was a lot of fun last night but let's get something straight -- it was just a one-time deal," and she didn't want to hear that. she wanted more, you see what i'm saying? it's rejection. hey, that's the only way i can work. let's take it apart, let's cut loose. roll that motherfucking camera, wolfie! yeah! let's go! have you? that's, wow; that's incredible. but that sounds kind of professional doesn't it? admired? great! what's it mean? that sounds like the champagne talking. no, you don't. you love me. then i guess i have nothing else to say. well, i am surprised you feel this way, ellen. i always thought you admired -- hey, this isn't part of the scene. see, nick! i told you this was about rejection! you know, you are really starting to piss me off! you bet your ass we can stop! wanda, call me a cab! fuck you. i'm out of here, man. this movie is bullshit. shut up, you fucking loser. the only reason i took this part was because someone said you knew quentin tarantino! you're nowhere, man. what'd you call me? say it again.