this is the worst fucking coffee i've had in my life. "interior. living room. ellen talks to mom." start with the 5k in the window. run feeders for three blonds into the living room. who fuckin' knows? it's been done. handheld. i'll use the 35, minimize distortion; i'll light it all from the ceiling. it could be kind of great. i'll need to see a couple run- throughs. i don't know how you drink that shit black, nick. i got to dump in the milk. it's the only way i can cut the taste. what the fuck?! look at this a second, nick. i pushed in a foot. she's incredible. it's coming right through the lens. cut! boom in. sorry, i had to cut. les, your boom was all the way in the shot. boom's in. the whole left side of frame, les. that's the idea, les. get me a coffee. half milk. two seconds, wanda. kill it. kill it. pull the plug. right there by your foot. you know how i feel; i love this shot. hell, i designed it. one second! i'm ready, nick. the fuck it is. it's off; it's not even running. not mine. well, when did he ask you? what, the guy can't even check into a hotel by himself? well, how did it come up? i like jazz. why are you wearing perfume to work? you didn't wear it yesterday. my eye! do i look alright?! a little accident. i think so. nope. hell, i been ready. not for camera. chad was completely out of frame. i don't care when he moves. just give me a fucking cue. chad missed his cue again; the whole dolly is unusable. plus chad is completely out of the light down there. it's your call, nick. his acting or his face. i'll have to set another light. i don't like it. this is ellen's scene. i'd have to relight. get me a tweenie right here, with diffusion. get the fucking light! until you change it. where's my fucking eyepatch?! my eye is killing me. i lost it. that little light was set ten minutes ago. hey, you're not worried about the time, i'm not worried about the time. i know you are. what do you think it means?! oh yes you do, you know exactly what it means. you don't understand me, wanda! you have no idea -- hey, that's my fucking eyepatch. hey, it's my fucking eyepatch and i don't want anyone wearing it. it's insanitary. let's just fucking shoot it!! kiss my ass! alright, you've asked for it, chad! alright, guys; special effects today. could be fun. who knows how to work this baby? what's this? i'm going to let you handle this one, bob. this is your baby. and les, if he needs help you give him a hand. ok, guys? we're all working together today. we're all lit, the smoke machine is under control; we're ready to go. just need to see a run-through and we're all set. i'm going to make your job easy today, wanda. wandaful. mmm, i'm glad you wore that perfume. and don't worry about palomino; i'll take you to a jazz club tonight. oh, by the way my eye's much better. what do you mean? so do i. sure. thanks. yeah. nothing. it's a little sensitive today. of course i can see! whatever. i still think it should be hand-held. i still think it should be hand-held. nick, could i talk to you for a minute? in private. i really don't like being spoken to like that, nick! i don't have an attitude! i'm sorry, nick. i'm going through some heavy shit. i can't really go into it. it's pretty heavy. personal, professional, emotional. it's doing a number on me. and now you're telling me you're going to fire me. am i? you're right. thanks, bro. pull the plug! bob! pull the plug! good; real good. you want to just shoot ellen, nick? she could be in the dream by herself. take the camera off the dolly. start putting it away. got it, nick! everything! perfect. see? that's what i meant about going hand-held! fuckin' a!