how long has he been in there, son? is he on his own? let's have a look, shall we? son, have a look under that one. try that one. this is one of those high-powered numbers, isn't it? mind your language in front of my boy. that includes blasphemy as well. now tell me, john . . . he said shut it! did i say speak? and it's mr harry to you . . . now don't disappoint me and chose your words carefully. you may speak. son, have a look in his locker. yeah, all right. oi! next time you use language like that, boy, you'll wish you hadn't! right, well, put the rest of the stuff in that, son. you can go home in a plastic bag tonight, john. you owe what you owe arid before this tan has faded, you want to have paid. oi, watch it! no thanks harry, we are both all right. nice shooter. nah, not my thing, thank you, harry. business good? i imagine that's what i am here for. go on. no harry, you can't. got something here for me, have ya? come on, chop chop. hello, john. nice holiday? i am sure you have, no one was accusing you of being dishonest, john. the boys had 'em. i know you like these things; wondered if you wanted them? well, not especially, but they seem to of upset a few characters. yeah, it's all there, to the pound. it looks like ?, but who knows? the opportunity was there. in my experience it is best to take the opportunity if it is there. a job well done son; we made a few quid out of that one. son? you all right back there, mate? it's in an office; i have just left it in the office. 137 all right, furry muff. well, it's a five minute walk or a thirty second drive. never, never, not as long as i can remember has anybody been as rude to me as you have. nope. i think i can help you, as it happens. i have got something for ya. well, for your boy, actually. it seems that hatchet under-estimated your lot and that seems to have cost him . . . i am not going to make the same mistake, am i? i have decided to bring your bag back. now you have presented me with a problem. i don't have an employer any more. so i have taken care of myself and my son, and if you think that is unfair you just come and pay me a little visit; but you better be waving the white flag high and clear, otherwise it will be the last little visit you lot ever make . . . that's all i had to say. it's been emotional. that should take care of that lot. we are now officially in the money- loaning business, all right, son? well, put your seatbelt on then.