you got it all? well if you got it, you got it. now, if you don't mind . . . what's this eddy like, then? all right, all right, so we can say he is good. where did he get a hundred grand? and jd is his dad, and owns the whole property? good, you can get this under control now. don't play innocent with me bazza; spanking! you must be eddy. jd's son. never mind son, you just might meet him if you carry on like that. three hundred and fifty open. four hundred open. listen ladies, this is cards. men play cards, you want to talk soft you should be at the fucking hairdressers, so shut up and play. i fold. well, you going to play? twenty thousand open. i'll fold. got some cards there, boy? thirty thousand. back to you already eddy? eighty grand. yes . . . and is there something else you want to say? eddy i will. i will loan you the money. i am not interested in what you would rather; i want to keep going. i am also offering you the money, so we don't have to turn them over because you can borrow. no, you need five hundred grand to see me. well, you're going to have a problem carrying on, aintcha. for half a million? and still got a sense of humour. that's not monkey nuts son; you can still fold. ok, before i loan you this, i expect, if you lose of course, my money back within a week, crystal? that's sunday, ok? let's see your fucking cards. i know your friends are responsible for most of that cash, so i'll give you all a week to find it. after that, i'll take a finger off each of you and your friend's hands for each day that passes without payment; and when you have all run out of digits, then who knows what? is big chris on his way? what do you know about chris, eh? you put big chris on a job and he will make sure it gets done, no matter what's in his way. his dad used to collect debts and his dad before that, and that monster of a boy will after he has gone. it seems that the almighty himself requested them to collect debts for eternity and not to fear knocking on old nick's door himself, if he was behind on his payment. but he has never nicked a picker in his life. straight as an arrow and as strong as the bow that fired it. if you dropped your tenner he would search till he found ya . . . the only problem is he isn't stable, has a temper like a runaway train, and he hits twice as hard. heaven protect anyone who touches that boy, not that the boy needs protecting. want a drink? like it? one of a pair, holland and holland. here, you want to hold it? i want you to forget about any other debts at the moment; there are fresher fish to fry! it's a bit of a priority. four young fellas who got in deeper than they could handle; they owe me half a million pounds. i understand if this has come as a bit of a shock, but i'll tell you how this can be resolved by the good father. i like your bar. i want your bar. do you want me to draw a picture? what, and i care? remember, you do have the luxurious advantage of being able to sustain your son's life. oh, careful jd, you'll give barry a heart-attack. it's about time you give my young friends a visit, chris. tomorrow is the day and mum seems to be the word, and i can't have that now, can i, chris? do you know who i am? i am split in two; there is me, and there is my patience, and patience has gone to the hospital; you are not far behind, know what i mean? i mean, find ' em, torture 'em, kill 'em, and bring back what belongs to me, because if you don't . . . you are . . . bang . . . in trouble. that you, chris? how did you get your hands on these? er, yeah, sure, i'll have 'em. have you counted the money? they were going to pay, then? good job, chris. that you, boy? it's pay day, ain't it? i bet you did. i have got half a million nicker sitting in front of me, which means that some poor sod doesn't. you must have upset a few people, boy . . . but that isn't really my concern, is it? but what does concern me is the guns you had. i want to talk to you about that. get your arse over here now, and i do mean now!