jd's bar is an impressive sort of uptown-downtown establishment with pretty girls serving a laddish clientele. the boys are propped up at the bar, looking straight ahead in silence. they look nervous. the silence is broken by ed. ed returns to the bar to find tom, soap and bacon looking in disbelief. tom and nick are stuck away in a corner playing on a fruit machine. we are looking directly at jd's shell-shocked face. he gently lays down an empty glass on the bar. all kinds of characters have made an appearance. a game of cards is in motion, the forfeit now being alcohol. barfly jack the barman is sitting at the table. they are already on the road to being comfortably comatose. all the lads are sitting in the bar. ed is talking to tom who is interested in whatever he has to say. ed goes forward to open the case. the rest are still in shock. ed opens the bag.