oh, dog! . . . i think you want to have a look at this! plank, open up. fuck me! sorry fellas, but that stupid cow! i am after a half weight. well enough. i have been buying gear off one of them for a couple of years. poofs. nothing heavy, four public school guys. soft as shite. they ponce around in funny hippie clothes all day, talking bollocks. they're just good at growing weed, that's all, and business has got bigger than what they can keep up with. there's one steel gate as you go in but they never lock it. i must have been there fifty times, it's never been locked; they're not suspicious. everybody who goes there are toffs. they're all into that karma crap: `if i don't harm nobody, nobody harms me' stuff. even if they could they'd be too shit scared. they have got no muscle; they're gutless faggots. there's nothing to worry about, it's going to be easy. no. all right, it's plank. is willie there? well, perhaps you can help? look, could you just open the door so i could talk without shouting? i think you'll find it is in your interest. come on, i can't wait out here all day. i thought you were going to leave me out there all day. lives and learns doesn't one. i know. now shut it. you say a fucking word the right knee goes, another word then your left. what do you think i am doing? hold on. what are you doing? unlock that gate. oi! i said unlock that fucking gate. just hold on, i got the keys. i didn't touch him, he just passed out. it must be this one. don't you stags move or i'll kill the lot of ya. they shot me! yeah, one of them's out. there, in those shoe boxes. my neck, dog. that's the last bag? dog, we have been up all night. it's no one round here! we have had them all against the wall. what the fuck is going on here?