charles, why have we got this cage? that's right, for security. so tell me, charles, what's the point in having it if we don't fucking use it? yes charlie, but you didn't know it was willy, did you? the problem is, willy, that charlie and yourself are not the quickest of cats in the alley at the best of times, so just do as i say and keep the fucking cage locked. what are you carrying, willy? you went out six hours ago to buy a money counter and you come back carrying two bags of fertilizer. alarm bells are ringing, willy. we also need a fucking money counter, william! we have to get the money out by thursday and i'll be buggered if i am counting it . . . and if you have to get your sodding fertilizer, couldn't you be a little more subtle? i mean we grow copious amounts of ganja, and you don't look like your average hort-er-fucking-culturalist, that's what i mean, willy. use that cage, that's what it's there for. what do you think? anyway, how much do you want? that's one and a half thousand. pass those scales, willie, and sort out the gear, charlie. any chance of seeing your money? you guys, you've got to realise who this chap is. he's a fucking lunatic. if he gets the slightest inkling that we are not throwing straight dice, you - and fuck it, me - are going to know what the sharp side of a kebab knife feels like. hello. yeah. i know who it is. what's the problem? you fucking jelly-heads, move it. you have been up for two hours, you should have got somewhere by now. the gear and the money has got to be out of here before twelve. i don't care if it's king fucking kong, he is not coming in here, not today. willy, this is the last time, and don't let him know that you're here, otherwise he will be here all day, and get rid of him quick. we have work to do. j, what's going on out there? get the rifle out, charles. we're being fucked. well, j will certainly get it if we don't; he's serious. look what he did to his toes. all right, all fucking right, i am coming. willie, he doesn't know you are here, just sort something out, ok. there is only three of us here. i mean it, there is only three of us here. out the back. out the back. with what? i can't, i am tied up. for christ's sake, get us out. we had the gates up but they stuck a shotgun through. poor bloody j got shot; it was a right mess. (proudly j we shot one of them in the throat. no, another one. they took him with them; he was still alive. we grow weed, we're not mercenaries.