yes, cats, of course. what else could they be? cats. of course each one has his own name too. yes indeed, everyone. actually, they all have three. "the naming of cats is a difficult matter. it isn't just one of your holiday games. you may think at first i'm mad as a hatter when i tell you a cat must have three different names." an ordinary name and a fancy name. that's two. do you want to guess what the third one is? for as long as i can remember. just a place, i suppose. who knows? i have always been here. gracious. no. but there may be a few around somewhere. my parents thought so. mother and father. you know? yes. mother and father said so. you know? dead. they're dead. and buried. may i see your hand again? they're beautiful. may i have one too please? what kind of jewel is this? you're both full of secrets like macavity. did you steal this? "macavity, macavity, there's no one like macavity, there never was a cat of such deceitfulness and suavity." no, no, no never, never, ever. nothing. of course you can stay. this belongs to the people. all this. all of it. i don't know. but it does. i'll be right back. oh, yes. about the cats. one rule is true: "don't speak till you are spoken to." oh, my don't cry. oh, my. he died. wešll have to bury him. theyšre put into the ground so they can be visited by the living. išll make the arrangements. are you ready to put him in? all right. of course. that's settled then. but just you remember your promise. what a pity. i was hoping you'd be here to bury me. where are you going? alive? thousands and thousands. as many as my cats? and all alive you say? yes, i would like to see that. is it a long journey? that's better than gold when it's cold. my father was the husband and my mother was the wife. "beloved" is a word they used - to stay together. oh, yes. i think. yes. oh my. i'll try. oh, my.