buddy deeds. he had a way. won't be another like him. that boy of his doesn't come near it. you ask me, he's all hat and no cattle he was a unique individual. better late than never. korean war hero, sheriff for near thirty years-- buddy deeds memorial p-- every other damn thing in the country is called after martin luther king, they can't let our side have one measly park? bad enough all the street names are in spanish-- then name it after big chief shitinabucket! whoever that tonkawa fella was. he had the mexes beat by centuries. they just wanted it to be one of theirs-- tell that one, hollis-- go ahead, hollis. '57, 1 believe-- that buddy was a cool breeze. charley wade were known to have put a good number of people in the ground, and your daddy gets eyeball to eyeball with him. buddy deeds said a thing, he damn well backed it up. won't be another like him. your mother was a saint.