this beaner fare doesn't agree with me, but the price sure is right. jimmy got a kitchen full of wetbacks, most of 'em relatives. people breed like chickens. i roust some muchacho on the street, doesn't have his papers, all he got to say is "yo trabajo para jimmy herrera." you got to keep the wheels greased, son. sheriff does his job right, everybody makes out. now this is gonna be one of your pickups, buddy. first of the month, just like the rent. get the car, hollis. come again? there's gonna be some left over for you, buddy. i take care of my boys. you feeling bad for jimmy? have him tell you the size of the mordida they took out of his hide when he run a place on the other side. those old boys in ciudad leon-- you do whatever i say you do or else you put it on the trail, son. who said anything about shootin' anybody? you're fired. you're outta the department. you little pissant-- you're a dead man. get the goddamn car. we're going to roderick's. pour it. pour it. i know you? otis what? one of cleroe payne's boys? i sent your daddy to the farm once. why you think that was? as i remember it was because he had a sassy mouth on him. must run in the family--you wouldn't be runnin' numbers out of this club, now, would you, son? runnin' numbers without i know about it is both illegal and unhealthy. you remember that. whoah, son. you're not finished. pour his. shut up, hollis. pour. how come you don't took familiar? houston, huh? i hear they let you boys run wild up there. aw--look what you done now. better get something to wipe it up, son. i told you to do something. are you gonna hop to it, or are we gonna have a problem? don't want to turn tail in front of your people. i understand. come on, houston, give it a try! come to poppa-- that the problem, son? you slow? you telling me what to do, roderick? what's this i see? is that whiskey in them glasses on the bar? roderick, i'm gonna have to cite you for a violation of state law-- and people better clear out of here! now! you learn how to act your place, son. this idn't houston. who is that? come out here where i can see you! you sonofabitch-- hola, amgio. problemas de llanta? what's in the back? i heard somebody been haulin' wets on this road. this same person been bragging all over the county how he don't have to cut that big gringo sheriff in on it-- he can run his own operation 'thout any help. como se llama, amigo? you know this road got a bad reputation, eladio-- bandidos, injuns-- there's many an unfortunate soul been ambushed out on this stretch. hope you're carrying some protection. you carryin' a firearm, son? don't lie to me now. just a shotgun, huh? better let me take a look at that. little greaser sonofabitch been running a goddarn bus service. think he can make a fool out of charley wade! get them wets outta the back, hollis, see what we've got-- you got a talent for statin' the obvious, son muchachos! venga afuera!brazos arribas! music continues. he waves his pistol, indicating something behind otis-- music continues. wade levels his gun at young otis's back, then turns to wink at hollis like he did before he shot eladio-- music continues. eyes burning as he aims-- blam! thwap! a bullet plows through his neck, knocking him back against the bar.