the longhorns go for ten times the price-- --but longhorns are hard to come by these days. how am i gonna sell things if nobody comes by? this stretch of road runs between nowheres and nothin' much. but you don't see much competition, do you? these things used to sell like hotcakes. now, if it can't play those discs, they won't look at it. i like it here. once i tried going onto that reservation to live. couldn't take the politics. damn indian'll drive you crazy with that, now your father--this wasn't what he had in mind at all. he come out of korea, he had this chevy with too much engine in it. he'd come roarin' up and down this road all hours of the day and night,looking for somebody to race. buffalo chips. fella in santa fe told me he sells these as fast as the buffalo can squeeze 'em out. for frontera? hell, i can't remember dates no more. i do recall it was after an affair of the heart had gone sour on him. he almost took some poor fella's head off at the legion in arroyo grande, and figured it was time to move on. they don't hand those medals out for hidin'in your foxhole. would you buy this? me neither. if he hadn't found that deputy job, i believe buddy might've gone down the other path, got into some serious trouble. settled him right down. that and your mother. 'course he had that other one later. your mother wasn't one to get chased off her patch. half the damn county knew and nobody thought the worse of her for seein' it through. the other one? hell, at my age, every time you learn a new name you got to forget an old one. your head's all crowded up--here it is-- this big fella was sleepin' in a crate at cisco's junkyard right when i looked to see what was in it. jumped up at my face--scared me so bad i killed him without thinkin'. gotta be careful where you're pokin'-- who knows what you'll find.