daedalus. make you a deal. let me go now? i'll leave you the use of your legs. bargain, trust me. i let you touch me, cowboy. i think i need a bath. who's samantha? you see in the movies, badguy says, "talk to me and i'll let you live." we're gonna run a variation, it goes like this: talk to me? i'll let you die. where's henessey? it's cold, i want to come in. can the bullshit, i'm not telling you where i am. i'll come in for a full debriefing, but we do it my way. do tell. fuck you, perkins. if you want me dead, you'll pass a hat in the typing pool to buy bullets. we do things my way. from where i stand, it ain't much of a commute. you'll hear from me. hey, mitch. glad you're awake. uh- oh, you're seeping. here, look at this. that's why i distracted you first. same principle as breaking in virgins. saw it in a harold robbins book. guy bites her on the ear as he goes in. distracts from the pain. you ever try that? name's charly. the spy. nice to meet'cha. drink? see? sit next to the dance floor, every drink's free. people finish dancing, they think the waiter lifted 'em. take two, they're small. never really existed. like nathan said, she was a total fabrication, i made her up. thank god. look at my inordinately large ass, look what she did to me. guess so. change the subject. better yet, steal me another drink. i called chapter. i'm trying to bring us in from the field alive. not sure. until i know, you might wanna stay away from curbs. they like to push people in front of buses. if i could come that way i wouldn't need to dance the lambada. follow me, i need you to do something. i'm testing our boy perkins. i figure he's gotta be tapping your office. got a light? come midnight, you hang by the phone. nobody shows, we think about trusting him. he tries to kidnap and torture you, well, there it is. oh, don't be such a baby. ten o'clock, we got two hours to kill. i'm a woman, feed me. ugh. god i'm full, i'm gonna have a food baby. oh, i was. check this out. one time? a guy said he'd fuck me. swear to god. absolutely. oh, and afterwards? oh my god, afterwards i said the most funny thing, you know what i said? i said, "go back to your room. dad" it's why he thought i had him killed. when da died, i went to his funeral. 12 years old, today i wouldn't. and i overheard a woman, she was praying. she was thanking god -- sounded so happy -- thanking him it hadn't been *her* father who was killed. see. she didn't really care that god had let someone die. just so long as it missed *her*. . and she bought her cross at the same store as mine, see, that's what we do, we all pray to the same cross on a hundred different walls, and sit back and wait to see who gets hit and who gets missed. fuck the waiting. fuck being afraid. i determine who gets hit, and how hard. and i thank no one. it's pathetic to thank someone who spares you -- when they're just taking someone else. walk me upstairs? this is my first date in eight years, mitch. is this a fun date? true love, shut the fuck up. chemistry. be quiet. i didn't ask for the kid, mitch. samantha had the kid, not me, nobody easy, baby. she ain't coming back, no way. bitch is dead. fuck off. forget it. i'm saving myself 'til i get raped. oh, don't tell me. you're early, goddammit, you're supposed to be at the pay phone. go away and come back at midnight. i'm not ready yet. got a light? what the hell are you doing here? you think i couldn't take him? *idiot*, you probably scared the other guy away -- headhunters, nimrod, they go in pairs, were you always this stupid or did you take lessons? *what*? no, you don't. fuck you. just fuck all of you. dammit. i knew i couldn't trust that prick. easy, spike. i got myself out of beirut once, i think i can get us out of new jersey. good point. get in. yep. i gotta vanish, mitch. i need money, a whole bunch. the key, mitch. the one i keep around my neck. what if i told you it's the key to box 406 at pittsburgh international airport? not someone. me. i filed them off. there's a briefcase in box 406, mitch. $200,000. payment for my last assignment. i need you to retrieve it for me. don't be stupid, they might have the place covered. i don't want to get shot to pieces. i'd love to. i left it with caitlin back in ohio. i fell into a school of fish, they elected me principal. shut the fuck up. shut. the. fuck. up. hmmm. nope, seems clear enough to me. hate myself, christ almighty. what are you, my shrink? drive past, don't slow down. park under those trees, honk if there's trouble. good morning, raymond. what did we learn about the dangers of smoking? give it here. thanks. tell anyone you saw me i'll blow your fucking head off. this is gross, this is gonna be so goddamn gross. phil? phil krauss? i don't believe it, they moved you from cyphers. long time, man, i figured you were dead by now. so, mitch. still think i'm warm and fuzzy? exactly. what's in the glove box? back off, man. do i tell you how to snap photos of extramarital blowjobs? no. hello? state road 80, 15 minutes west of harrison. he's got the kid. doesn't want to talk on the airwaves, he's routing me to a land line. a pay phone. excuse me? verify you have her. you're dead, motherfucker. we don't involve families. it's not the way it's done, *we don't take families*. give me an ani trace. do it. another ten minutes. you want my crazy meal action figure? *i'll get the damn kid*, okay? god, i hope he doesn't shoot her up. kid's dead weight if she's sedated. oh, balls. want me to cry on cue? i can. this is an extraction, nimrod, and she's the target, that's how to play it, the only way to beat this guy. don't go there, mitch, you don't want to know. fine, you asked. i bumped pelvises with this guy. in paris, back in i'd been assigned to kill his boss, remember? needed him out of the way. so i let him seduce me. had a steel needle under the pillow, figured to stick him *en flagrante*, that means while we were screwing. but he was too slick. bashed me in the head, finished, then threw me in the trunk of a car. still think i'm a girl scout, mitch? it's almost dark. let's get it done. they're here. fucking chapter, that's who. timothy acting alone, caitlin had a chance. now? she's dead meat. negative. you stomp around like a forties drunk and you're a lousy shot. you couldn't hit a lake if you were standing on the bottom, now shut the fuck up. i saw a little girl. that's what happened under the water. that night, eight years ago. at the end. there she was, this pretty little girl at the bottom of the ocean, smiling at me. three years old, didn't know daddies hid in closets, not yet. stared up at me in the strangest way. saying how'd it come to this, we were so pretty and perfect, now look at us, sinking with our head all open. said when she grew up she was gonna teach school. she couldn't wait. guards are on 27-1 megahertz, meet me at 26-9, you need to talk. as soon as you spot me with the kid, start blowing the charges. they're gonna blow my head off, you know. this is the last time i'll ever be pretty. time now. what i do next, they tell me it. looks like a machine or something. you don't like it, don't look. don't say it. gotta go. if she's alive, she's coming out of there, mitch. if she's not. they'll know we stopped by. no shit. eight years ago, you send me to kill daedalus and this clown. now you're working *with* him. budget cuts. oh, god. is *that* what this is about? the foot soldiers, the tanker truck. fuck me, you're running a fundraiser!! you'll get all the money you want at the next budget hearing, won't you? all you need is a major terrorist incident. theory, my ass. i think some terrorists were planning a strike. bought supplies from daedalus, that's how you knew they were coming. no way. don't tell me you're gonna sit there and let them go through with it, *just to get a budget increase*. that's not gonna happen this time? so what's the plan? what's going out in the tanker? what's the plan? i'm gonna die, i wanna know. easy, mitch. how you gonna blame it on terrorists? listen to me, timothy. please. let my kid go. goddamn you, *look at her eyes*. because they're yours, motherfucker. that night in paris, i got pregnant. the little girl's your daughter. she's no risk, timothy, *let her go*. be just a minute. shhhhh. mommy's here, it's okay. safe and snug. what comes next, huh? what's the next part? we're going to take a nap together, cate. you can have your dolly, and mommy will be next to you, how's that? it'll be like bears in winter. when they get cold, see, they fall deep, deep asleep. you're murdering us both, cocksucker, let the kid have her fucking dolly. it ain't over, motherfucker. you're gonna die screaming and i'm gonna watch. am i telling the truth? shhh. just for a little bit. polar bear, remember? open. gimme a spark. show me, show me. come on, come on. do it! all this, just one fucking match, *goddamit*! i love you, caitlin, oh god, do you know how much i love you? no, baby, you're not gonna die. they are. when i tell you, scream as loud as you can, or else your ears'll get hurt. hey, should we buy a dog? *run, catey*. where'd you go, baby. show mommy. smart girl, honey. stay still. don't make a sound. snug as a bug in a rug. mitch! i don't believe it. listen, if you say, "are we having fun yet" i'll rip your nuts off. where are you? no, but she's safe for the moment, she stowed away on the tanker truck. tires won't pop, mitch. bastard just locked her in, she's stuck in there and they're leaving, *goddammit*! no chance. i make it twelve, mitch, automatic weapons. *your nine, on your nine*! *30 degrees left, mitch. left*. *your other left*. *nix, nix, i can't see in there, don't do it, break right*! *fuck me, i was wrong, get outta threre*! *de nada*. *end run, mitch, go wide*! *no, goddamn you, they got you flanked*! the truck. how long til it blows? then i better hurry. i'm the missus. drive. sorry, man. government agents, high level conspiracy. veer left. do it. in five seconds i'm gonna own that fucking truck. hang on, catey. *no, not fair, not fucking fair*! can't stop, catey, can't. suck my dick, every one of you bastards. oh, honey. only four inches? please, man. she's only. eight. she's a beautiful little girl. fuck you, your breathing's lousy. you want a piece? take my shoulder. *cover your ears*. run. get out. the truck's a bomb. gonna blow up, run. i'm right behind you, go. *go and don't look back*. mommy. here. you're grounded. i'm gonna get the gun, you run for that car. we go on three, okay? one. two. *three*. somebody get that motherfucker off me! i got a kid here, i got my eight year-old daughter, *jesus christ*! it's christmas eve, who are you *people*, fucking pull him off! do you hear me? distract him, for god's sake give me ten seconds, please, i'm begging somebody, anybody, *she's my daughter*! suck on it. die screaming, motherfucker. hey. you're bleeding. right, sorry. are you. stupid? i know. good morning, i'm charly. the slab you're standing on is actually a land mine. keep your foot on the pressure plate, nothing happens. step off the stone, we'll all be wearing you. my terms are these. call state and order full disclosure on your personal correspondence. then disband chapter, effective immediately. in exchange? i won't shoot you, and i won't make you stand on that mine. i won't touch you. i won't touch you. i promise. i promise. yes, mr. president, you have my assurance that perkins' latest operation has been rendered beyond salvage. he's not in the greatest shape either. out of the question. i've got a stack of papers to grade. listen, before i go, i need a small favor.