this can't happen, harry. the president's already up at night, prowling his sock drawer for double agents, and now we've got a fucking rogue on our hands. oh, for the love of christ, who can be so fucking important? *you*! are you crazy, coming here?? what? who is it? perkins. charly? oh, my god, what the hell are you *doing*? listen to me, i'm going to direct you to a safe house, get you on a plane -- charly, you're being paranoid. it's not like it used to be, you're eight years out of date. congress won't authorize a dime, charly. chapter's on the way out, we've been reduced to a records- keeping agency, we *don't have enough money to kill you*, understand? your way, i see. and if i say go to hell? she mustn't threaten our success. contain her, whatever it takes. but be *careful*. if it gets out you're working for me. we'll both be grabbing our ankles on the white house lawn. she mustn't suspect a trap. god. we're monsters, aren't we? forget charly. talk to me about tonight. that? something to prove that i'm not a complete ogre. see? the young one will have a doll to play with on christmas. very popular item. it. well, it pees. you put water in it and. oh, fuck you. you know, colonel, you ought really to have stayed dead. you don't know the rules of the game anymore. budget cuts, remember? congress blinded us in eastern europe, central america. across the board, an intelligence blackout. we had to recruit any eyes and ears we could find, even if it meant going to former targets. interesting theory. it's not without precedent. 1993, remember the world trade center bombing? the cia had advance knowledge, don't think they didn't. worse, the diplomat who issued the terrorist's visa was cia, they *facilitated* the bombing. purely to justify a budget increase. of course, they'd no way of knowing the terrorists would botch the job. no. this time, the terrorist event will come off precisely as planned. this time the terrorists can't muck it up. because we've killed them and taken over. continue dying. out. anthony, get me the president. charly, i know we've treated you poorly, please, it was just business -- you. you promise. it's done. now, you promise. you won't shoot me. won't make me get on the mine? goddamn you, i can't hold him. you bitch. you fucking bitch!