how you holdin' up? *put that away*. i can't take it, earl, this dumb costume is giving me a wedgie. driving me crazy, but there's these *kids* here -- in front of little billy, age four, yeah. "look, mommy, mrs. claus chooses to go butt-mining." age four, kid's unbelievable. i'm too old for this, earl. say that a little louder, there's a kid in back didn't catch it. eight years. i keep hiring detectives, but they never find anything. i was born 3000 days ago on the beach in new jersey. i entered the world fully grown, wearing clothes i don't remember buying. nothing in the pockets but a single key, filed smooth. i'm married now. nice guy, early forties. i stand naked in the mirror and try to guess my age. thirty-five, maybe. i have lots of scars. hal, i gotta tell you, of all the christmas pageants i've seen, this was by far the most recent. teenage boys? just fine? come on, it was ground breaking stuff. the first nativity where joseph stares at the wise men's tits all night. hey, you! her name is caitlin. she's my daughter and when i woke up on that long-ago day, she was two months grown in my belly. i don't know who put her there. i may never. i just know she's mine, and she's about to turn eight. 3000 days. i teach now, fifth grade. i have the key, i wear it around my neck for luck. except for that, and my name, all traces of my prior life are lost. was i in love ever? did someone look in my eyes, did i say, "darling, i'll never forget you?" because fuck me, darling, i managed. excuse me. hello, girls. caitlin, i'm going to help dad with the refreshments. which one's dad? i forget. *kidding*. that's funny, there's a cheap suit all over him like a cheap suit. this is all i ever wanted. stick our fingers in out hands and pull them out again? every chance we get. shut your piehole. earl, do me a favor. every few words say "hic" and have bubbles come out your mouth, okay? i want a cigarette, why do i want a cigarette? what. what do you want? i don't smoke. i'm *remembering*, hal. things are coming back. trust me, i'm a chef, i know it. hush. go to the garage and get me something, anything. a veggie, go, man, go! i'm hot to trot. more. faster. uh. chefs do that. they were on sale. *allez, gumby etiriait le cou, fils de pute*. i speak french. you bet your life, fluent french, whatever the fuck that means. quand j'tais a l'ecole, jai eu un professeur qui s'est fabriqu du dentifrice! right, he was, you got a problem with that? pasty joe, we called him. look, the accent's perfect, so piss off. i'm a french chef, ya-hoo. mr. perkins, going in the basket. just pretend they're still there. piece of cake. you can do it. shhh. nothing to be scared of. pretend you're one of the x-men, you're tough. let's go, now. three, two, one. nonsense. you can do it. you don't want to, but you can. you can go home, caitlin. you can ride there. look, i know you're afraid, that's the whole *point*, can you see that? now stop being a little baby and get on the damn bike. you gonna be afraid of things all your life? huh? that what you want? life is pain. get used to it. see, you *will* ride this bike home, princess. you will ride it and you will not fall again, *is that understood*? yes, i'm three blocks past the gas station. right. thank you mr. henessey, i'll see you shortly. she said her wrist hurt. i didn't know it was broken, god. i can't even remember what i said to her! a private detective's coming by, he. he's found something. i may have to go away. for a bit. now please leave me alone. are you deaf? i said leave me alone. go to church. drink blood. drink some for me. get ouuttttt!!!! no!!!! it took me three seconds. that's. that's good, huh? caitlin. we gotta find caitlin. that man who tried to hurt us? if i stay here. other people will come. i have to leave. just for a little while. i want you to light a candle and keep it in the kitchen window. and never, *ever* let it go out, because as long as it burns? it means you're thinking of me. and if i'm alone. if it's dark and i'm lost. it's how i'll find my way home. that's for a portable phone. i keep it with me, you call me anytime, you don't worry about the bill. and last but not least -- for luck. "movin' in." it's not linen. the song's not about linen. i'm freezing. i'll pass. so, you're a former cop. atlanta, was it? stop me if i'm out of line, but i'm curious. how did you. well, succeed? i mean, where six other detectives failed? yeah, this dirt used to be outside my window, shut up and let me look. i'm sorry, mr. henessey, i'm a little on edge. i can feel her. like a ghost. we could walk away, you know. there's still time, we could just. leave her dead. ay-i-yi! size four, no way. you know how long it's been since i could wear a size four? can't be mine. can they? what's in it? hmm? uh, no. just. more clothes. hello, mr. windeman, i got this number from a realtor in pennsylvania. i'd like to speak with you. you tell me, mr. windeman. my full name, please. *my full name*. please! meet me off i-79. highmile exit, salt & pepper lounge. eleven a.m. what's this? what the hell is this? we don't have time for this, of all the cocksucking bullshit -- what are you, a mormon? go up this hill. *drive up the fucking hill*. hk m-40 assault rifle. at three hundred yards, vertical drop six inches. shit. he's gonna do the girl. i read lips. see? took care of it. knew i could. pull over. had to, he. he would've killed her. had to. oh god i took him, such a good shot. i felt proud of it, such a shot, jesus, *how could i be proud*? i'm scared. i want to go home. i still can't believe it. you're saying my hands didn't even shake? what's the matter with you? what. what are you telling me? i'll spell it out for you, ready? i have no future, *i can't go home*. until i know what's happening, i'm in *prison*, you know how that feels? i'm sorry. um. what did you? the bonds. your partner put them there? no more killing. it was a helluva shot, wasn't it" quarter til. any time now. you're just jealous of their girlfriends. i just. got a flash of something, no. that's what's strange. if i saw him on the street, i. i wouldn't. oh. that's it? that's your helpful story? jesus christ! oh, shut up. excuse me? thanks for the drink. but no. i don't know you. what are you doing? so? it's freezing. bingo. that's an old guy's car. because there's an old guy in it. come on. gun bulge. so now you're a sharpshooter? mr. windeman? oh, shit! i'm. um, i mean. what? oh, god, no more--! my name is caine. samantha caine. it's not a fantasy, *i'm in the fucking pta*. my god. how many do you carry? would you lay off the weight? this address? i. i recognize it now. i think it belongs to a friend. don't be afraid, we don't want to hurt you. i just want to know who you are. yeah, well. i caught you and forgot you. sorry. this is ridiculous. what do we do with this guy? it's possible. caitlin. i don't know. it's coming back, though. all these. little details about him. i know he's got a pin in his leg, car accident. i know he cuts his own hair. thinks rush limbaugh's an ass. i know he sits down when he pees. i know -- mr. windeman, please let him help you. i know this man, i. i'm pretty sure i slept with him. not-so fresh. you. you're. the man from the bar? i didn't tell a soul, i swear. is. is this a torture thing? please, i'm getting all misty. look, untie me, i'll make any face you want. smoke? um, no. not. not really. nobody. fuck you. watch your back. i'm not done yet.