it'll be over soon. last chance. what do you know about a town called santa claus? no. you don't. i can always tell, you know. if someone's lying to me. a little skill of mine, something to trot out at parties. timothy. i'm listening. nix. i'm just finishing up here. then i'm going bunjee jumping. all right, what's so fucking important? i saw it, too. it's called "empty nest." how the fuck is it my business? tap his phone, yes. and tell daedalus i'm on my way. timothy out. for you. another in a long line of bad investments. just saw the ring on your finger. do i know you from somewhere? whoa. back up. total pickup line, let's forget i said that. no, you don't, do you? i'd know if you did. i can tell if someone's lying. sorry to bother you. okay, people, i got what i needed. wait until she comes out. then do them both. walk soft, we got local law. east, they're going east. *head them off*. look at her. she's not faking it, she doesn't know me from adam. we're running on schedule, i just secured the tanker. we're borrowing it from carbide in south carolina. cargo listed as fire retardant. you don't remember *at all*? the greatest night of your life, shit, drown this ungrateful wench. okay, i'll signal daedalus. your money will be waiting, and jack? do yourself a favor, do her and dump her, i'm serious. don't get cute, try to play doctor first. i made that mistake. it's me, your poor black cousin. the one you can't be seen with. my boss is dead. your rogue bitch just took him out. probably went shopping in his weapons storage too. we're still on, perkins. i've got the tanker, the chemist, all ready to go. but you gotta contain her, man. we gotta step on her hard and fast. wanna be a statistic, lady? you're about to have 2.4 children. i know where you live. close your mouth, you look like a fish. merry christmas. it's me, i got your kid. give your location, we gotta lose the cellular. okay, here's how we do it. drive to harrison, find their main bus stop. pay phone, fifteen minutes. better drive fast, after five rings i hang up. i got your cellular number off a cast on her right wrist. right below mommy loves you. picture of a panda. dog, panda, it's got funky ears. i want money, charly. i know you've got numbered accounts, we all do. i'll let you know where and when. fuck with me? i'll blind the kid and shoot out her knees. i'll be in touch. it's done, she hooked. all i gotta do is set the ransom meet. no way. she thinks i'm acting alone, remember? say the word, i'll hand her to you on a plate. the tanker's on its way from charleston, eta 1:00 a.m. one terrorist on ice, waiting to play patsy. what's in the sack? fuck the cleaning, just drain it and reload. chop-chop, i'm going bunjee jumping after this. bogey. take her alive, perkins wants her! good to have you back again, chuck. make sure you get all of them. chuck, you give me the fuck of my life then try to stick me, come back from the dead, whack my boss. no sense lyin', i'm miffed. you wanna know the plan? santa claus -- small town u.s.a. personified. we drive the chemical tanker in tonight, park it. add a catalyst, chain reaction, it goes hot. we evacuate. the mix heats overnight, goes critical at 312 degrees celsius. 8:00 christmas morning. main street looks like a meteor strike. those roads are treacherous this time of year. when we dump a car to the bottom of a ravine, with the corpse of imn al rahman in it. get the picture? why? for old times' sake? and why exactly should i do that? priceless. can't believe it. kid's down there. what it is, charly, they're gonna find you both frozen to death in the woods. suicide pact. the freezer's downstairs, charly. let's get it done. shit, this place is loaded with fumes, nobody light a fucking match. you check her for flammables? bears, yeah, yeah. enough. chuck, i'm not a total creep. i'll make you a deal, okay? there's a knife in that box. now, you and the kid, you're going to freeze, *but* -- if you kill the kid *by your own hand*? i won't kill your husband. serious. we're gonna open that door and you'll both be frozen solid, but i wanna know that you've cut your own child's throat. tell me where charly keeps her money. she must have mentioned it. we'll be gone by then, mitch. already did, mitch, someone already did. perkins got stuck with a double agent, someone trusted, highly placed. me. chinks are paying me to bring down chapter. truck goes, hundreds dead -- rescue teams within minutes, guess what they find? uh-uh. they find chapter, caught with their pants down. see, mitch, i dumped in a much faster chemical catalyst. the tanker's gonna blow *tonight*. in the center of town, thirty-five minutes from now. charly's stash. what's the number of the locker, mitch? left nut, five bucks i make it. move it out of here, now! i tried to give you a pretty death, baby. did my best. now you're fucked, now it's ground beef time. sweet loretta, you're another animal entirely. let's see, 312 degrees. make it ten minutes, give or take. oh, spare me. you made a big noise and bought five more minutes on the planet. give up. die. i'll spit in what's left of your face. all units converge. divert local law, this is a government matter. brook no interference, i want the baltimore woman eliminated. *where's the fucking chopper*? call it four minutes to detonation. i got a chopper on the way, lots of time. you'll feel me. you've lost a step, chuck. muscles never recovered from c-section, i'll bet. am i right? she's a worthless bitch. i know it 'cause she came out of me. it's called shock, charly. your body wants to go into shock. look at you. you're out of your motherfucking league, dearie. fuck the shoulder, knee's worse. just bring me around and hold her steady. i'm not leaving until i know the bitch is dead. where are *you* going?? *somebody do her, somebody kill that fucking whore, kill her*!