swann? master? master? swann's here. want me to shoot swann? he wants your magic. he's expecting you. what are you going to do about it? ever watched a man die? if you watch very closely, you can sometimes see the soul escaping. and if you're very quick, you can catch it. pimm's dead. jennifer desiderio's disappeared. they knew the puritan was coming home. so do you. you've seen the future. haven't you? and are you afraid? d'amour. d'amour. why do i know that name? he's a priest? i don't want him getting in the way. we've all of us waited too long to have the homecoming spoiled. you didn't think it was just going to be you and me? a lot of people believed in nix. they haven't forgotten his promise. death. it's an illusion. who did this, d'amour? who killed swann? why would i do that? you don't have a clue what you're into, do you? who did this? who did this? aah! ever watched a man die? pimm's dead. jennifer desiderio's disappeared. if you watch very closely, you can sometimes see the soul escaping. i've sometimes thought, if i'd had another profession, i would have been a surgeon. to be able to heal with one little cut. let's say those eyes of yours were giving you trouble. i could scoop them out. so tell me where nix is buried. you'll do more.than that. it was me. guess who we're going to see? like the look of these? i made them myself, to set him free. i didn't have the skill to resurrect him. i had to teach myself. and that took time. if he was just a man like me, then no. but he's not. maybe he'll show you. anything? if you've lied to me to me -- five more minutes. hear me? and you'd better not -- what the fuck are you playing at? aah! keep away from it. it's him. it's him. do you wish him to be amongst us? will you come to him on your knees? be ready. no, but he will. after what you did to him. he'll want vengeance. simple ps that. oh my lord. he's coming home. he's with us. hold her! go on, bleed. go on! go on! no! bastard!