are we ready? no. he's gone too far. he's not going to get the chance. so stay out here. look around. if you find 'the child, yell. she's got blonde hair, that's all i know. you're going to be okay. fuck you. no! aah! don't touch me. he's got. got into my head. jesus- binding you. it's finished. we bury him so deep no one will ever find him. the usual. full house. standing ovation. i tell them it's magic. yeah. remember quaid? somebody killed him. i just saw him. i'm putting in a new illusion tonight. will you be there? no. i'm not going near him. valentin! valentin! the guy with dorothea. is that who i think it is? he's young. ready. ladies and gentlemen. you are standing on the threshold of a miracle. my friends . come with me. into the great beyond. they'll never find out. you shouldn't have followed me, d'amour. now i'm going to have to kill you. why? so you can fuck my wife? illusionists get. las vegas contracts, d'amour. magicians get burned. he deserved it. i did it for dorothea. now that i'm dead, the spotlight's off her. it's me betrayed him. i don't know what else to do. is this the best brandy you've got? can you change a thousand for me? will that do? no? that better? you think i'm an asshole. i can do a lot of shit, d'amour. but you know that. so i like playing games with people. gives them something to wonder about. i distract them from their banality for a few minutes. it's like a public service. it doesn't mean much in the end. they're all going to die. oh, i was going to discover the secret of the universe. that's why i liked nix. he promised me all these explanations. he had something. he showed me how to bend the rules. a little levitation. a few fireworks. no. at the end. when we had him cornered, he got into my head. he showed me what we really look like, when the veneer's gone. jelly. shit. i saw it with my own fucking eyes! see, that's his best trick. no illusions. just the truth. are you ready for that? hey! thought not. she's not here. no. yes. looks that way. and nix? he's better off this way. you don't get it, do you? we're shit. d'amour. that's where we're all going. at a guess. they just resurrected him. this is where we killed him. i can't. i can't go any further. whatever he's doing to her, stop him! aah! nix! and? why would i want to? not true. yes. yes. yes. no! harry! harry! stop him! d'amour. harry. you can't kill him. yes? i don't know.