havo dad, legolas. sit down, legolas. if, by my life or death, i can protect you, i will. . you have my sword. aragorn steps forward. followed by legolas and gimli. hide! boromir? boromir. give the ring to frodo. aragorn's hand moves to his sword hilt. he's trying to bring down the mountain. gandalf! we must turn back! the gap of rohan takes us too close to isengard. mines are no place for a pony, even one so brave as bill. go on, bill, go on. don't worry, sam. he knows his way home. aragorn slaps bill on the rump. bill goes trotting off. close on: sam watching bill disappear into the darkness. do not disturb the water. get back! stay close to gandalf. frodo!! you should be dead. that spear would've skewered a wild boar! gandalf! legolas, get them up! by nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs! we must reach the woods of lothlorien. come, boromir, legolas, gimli, get them up. on your feet, sam. boromir glances towards frodo, then back at aragorn. frodo is walking away, as if in a daze. frodo? frodo! haldir of lorien, we come here for your help. we need your protection. take some rest. these borders are well protected. i have seen the white city. long ago. frodo. the argonath. long have i desired to look upon the kings of old. my kin. we cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot. we approach mordor from the north. that is our road. i suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, master dwarf. no. orcs patrol the eastern shore. we must wait for cover of darkness. frodo? where is the ring? frodo. i swore to protect you. i would have gone with you to the end. into the very fires of mordor. go, frodo! run! run!! boromir! i let frodo go. the ring is beyond our reach now. no, boromir. you fought bravely. you have kept your honor. aragorn tries to bind boromir's wound. i do not know what strength is in my blood, but i swear to you. i will not let the white city fall, nor your people fail. be at peace, son of gondor. aragorn bends and kisses boromir's forehead. legolas and gimli appear behind him. aragorn stands. they will look for his coming from the white tower. but he will not return. frodo's fate is no longer in our hands. not if we hold true to each other. we will not abandon merry and pippin to torment and death, not while we have strength left. leave all that can be spared behind. close on: aragorn. a steely light in his eye. we travel light. let's hunt some orc.