what is this? a ranger caught off his guard? frodo, im arwen. telin let thaed. i am arwen, i have come here to help you. lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad. hear my voice, come back to the light. frodo's eyes close. frodo? he's fading. he's not gong to last. we must get him to my father. strider quickly lifts frodo. placing him on the horse. i have been looking for you for two days. there are five wraiths behind you, where the other four are, i do not know. hon mabathon. rochoh ellint im. i'll take him. i'm the faster rider. strider clamps his hand over arwen's. frodo fir. ae anthradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon. if i can cross the river, the power of my people can protect him. i do not fear them. noro lim, asfaloth, noro lim! noro lim, asfaloth! if you want him, come and claim him. non o chithaeglir, lasto beth daer: rimmo nin briunen dan in ulaer! nin o chitaeglir, lasto beth daer: rimmo nin bruinen dan in ulaer! no, no. frodo, no! frodo, don't give in. not now! what grace is given me, let it pass to him. let him be spared. save him. why do you fear the past? you are isildur's heir. not isildur himself. you are not bound to his fate. your time will come. you will face the same evil. and you will defeat it. a si i-duath u-orthor, aragorn. u or le a u or nin. the shadow does not hold sway yet. not over you and not over me. renech i lu i erui govannem? do you remember when we first met? gwenin in enniath. u-arnech in naeth i se celich. long years have passed. you did not have the care you carry now. renech i beth i pennen? do you remember what i told you? arwen reaches for strider's hand. and to that i hold. i would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. strider looks down. in his hand lies the evenstar. i choose a mortal live. it is mine to give to whom i will, like my heart.