you're late. it's wonderful to see you, gandalf! what news of the outside world? tell me everything! you know bilbo. he's got he whole place in an uproar. half the shire's been invited. he's up to something. alright then. keep your secrets. before you came along we bagginses were very well thought of. never had any adventures or did anything unexpected. whatever you did. you've been officially labelled as a disturber of the peace. gandalf. i'm glad you're back. frodo leaps expertly from the cart. gandalf smiles. go on, sam, ask rosie for a dance. oh, no you don't. go on. bilbo! watch out for the dragon!! speech! bilbo! bilbo! he's gone, hasn't he? frodo steps into the living room. he talked for so long about leaving. i didn't think he'd really do it. gandalf? where are you going? what things? you've only just arrived! i don't understand. what are you doing? nothing. there's nothing. wait. bilbo found it. in gollom's cave. but he was destroyed. sauron was destroyed. alright! we put it away, we keep it hidden! we never speak of it again. no one know it's here, do they? gandalf shifts uncomfortably. do they, gandalf? shire! baggins! that will lead them here! take it! take it! you must take it. i'm giving it to you! but it cannot stay in the shire! what must i do? where? where shall i go? bree? what about you? and the ring will be safe there? i can cut across country easily enough. this is what? come on, sam. remember what bilbo used to say. it's a dangerous business. what are you talking about? what did he say? sam. we're still in the shire. what could possibly happen? i think we should get off the road. get off the road! nothing. i have to leave the shire. sam and i must get to bree. how far to the nearest crossing? come on. we're headed for the prancing pony. we wish to stay at the inn. our business is our own. to frodo's relief, the gatekeeper unlocks the gate. excuse me. underhill. my name's underbill. we're friends of gandalf the grey. can you tell him we've arrived? butterbur frowns. sam, he'll be here. he'll come. excuse me, that man in the corner, who is he? strider. pippin! what do you want? i carry nothing. who are you? yes. where are they? where are you taking us? we have no choice but to trust him. what are you doing? put it out, you fools! put it out! frodo desperately kicks dirt on the fire! go! ! gandalf. gandalf? where am i? gandalf! what happened, gandalf? why didn't you meet us? gandalf! what is it? gandalf returns his attention to frodo. bilbo! bilbo! "there and back again: a hobbit's tale" by bilbo baggins. this is wonderful. i miss the shire. i spent all my childhood pretending i was off somewhere else. off with you, on one of your adventures. but my own adventure, turned out to be quite different. i'm not like you, bilbo. packed already? i thought you wanted to see the elves, sam? more than anything. you're right, sam. frodo looks at sam. we did what we set out to do. frodo opens his hand, the ring sits in his palm. the ring will be safe in rivendell. i am ready to go home. i will take it. i will take it. i will take the ring to mordor. though. i do not know the way. gandalf rises to his feet. it's so light! we will go through the mines. gandalf slowly nods. it's a riddle. speak, friend, and enter. what's the elvish for friend? gollum! he escaped the dungeons of barad- dur? it's a pity bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance. i wish the ring had never come to me. i wish none of this had happened. aragorn! aragorn! i'm alright. i'm not hurt. gandalf! gandalf! no! what will i see? gandalf! if you ask it of me, i will give you the one ring. i cannot do this alone. then i know what i must do. it's just. i'm afraid to do it. galadriel kneels down to frodo's height, staring at him intently. i know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom but for the warning of my heart. there is no other way. no. . . you are not yourself. it has taken boromir. aragorn moves towards frodo. stay away! can you protect me from yourself? would you destroy it? i know. look after the others, especially sam. he will not understand. i wish the ring had never come to me. i wish none of this had happened. no, sam. go back,sam. i'm going to mordor alone. you can't swim. sam! oh, sam! come on then. mordor! i hope the others find a safer road. i don't suppose we'll ever see them again. sam? i'm glad you're with me. 106: losto caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i ruith. sleep caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath. they will fall! frodo leaps off the seat, and tumbles down the stairs! the eye sweeps amon hen like a searchlight, seeking its ring! with a huge effort, frodo wrenches the ring off his finger.