"i amar prestar sen: han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae. a han noston ned wilith." the world is changed: i feel it in the water, i feel it in the earth, i smell it in the air. much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. it began with the forging of the great rings. three were given to the elves, immortal, wisest. fairest of all beings. seven to the dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. and nine. nine rings were gifted to the race of men who, above all else, desire power. for within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. but they were all of them deceived. for another ring was made. in the land of mordor, in the fires of mount doom, the dark lord sauron forged in secret a master ring to control all others. and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. one ring to rule them all. one by one the free lands of middle earth fell to the power of the ring. but there were some. who resisted. a last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of mordor. on the slopes of mount doom they fought for the freedom of middle- earth. victory was near! but the power of the ring could not be undone. it was in this moment. when all hope had faded, that isildur, son of the king, took up his father's sword. sauron, the enemy of the free peoples of middle earth, was defeated. sauron's armor clatters to the ground. his body the ring passed to isildur. who had this one chance to destroy evil forever. but the hearts of men are easily corrupted. and the ring of power has a will of its own. it betrayed isildur to his death. and some things that should not have been forgotten. were lost. history became legend. legend became myth. and for two and a half thousand years the ring passed out of all knowledge. until, when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer! the ring came to the creature gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the misty mountains. and there, it consumed him. a raspy voice mutters in the half light. the ring brought to gollum unnatural long life. for five hundred years it poisoned his mind. and in the gloom of gollum's cave. it waited. darkness crept back into the forests of the world. rumor grew of a shadow in the east. whispers of a nameless fear. and the ring of power perceived. its time had now come. it abandoned gollum. but something happened then the ring did not intend. it was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable. a hobbit. bilbo baggins of the shire. for the time will soon come when hobbits will shape the fortunes of all. let me risk a little more light. gandalf taps his staff. for a brief moment a light frodo. your coming to us is as the footsteps of doom. you bring great evil here, ringbearer. he has fallen into shadow. galadriel looks to aragorn. the quest stands upon the edge of a knife. stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all. yet hope remains while the company is true. do not let your hearts be troubled. go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. galadriel's eyes turn to frodo. her voice fades. tonight you will sleep in peace. welcome, frodo of the shire. close on: frodo looks at galadriel. sudden insert: galadriel as she is on the other one who has seen the eye. will you look into the mirror? frodo looks with apprehension at the silver basin. even the wisest cannot tell for the mirror shows many things. things that were . things that are. and some things that have not yet come to pass. i know what it is you saw. for it is also in my mind. it is the future, frodo. it is what will come to pass if you should fail. the fellowship is breaking. it has already begun. he will try to take the ring. you know of whom i speak. one by one, it will destroy them all. you offer it to me freely. i do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this. in place of the dark lord, you would have a queen, not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn. treacherous as the sea! stronger than the foundations of the earth. all shall love me and despair! frodo takes a step away from galadriel. i pass the test. i will diminish and go into the west and remain galadriel. frodo's confidence drains away. you are the ring-bearer, frodo. to bear a ring of power is to be alone. this task was appointed to you, and if you do not find a way, no one will. even the smallest person can change the course of the future. farewell, frodo baggins. i give you the light of earendil, our most beloved star. may it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out.