sauron's ring! the ring of power! this is no mere ranger. he is aragorn, son of arathorn. you owe him your allegiance. and heir to the throne of gondor. have you heard nothing lord elrond has said? the ring must be destroyed. and you have my bow. crebain from dunland! there is a fell voice in the air. goblins! we must move on, we cannot linger. orcs ! a lament for gandalf. i have not the heart to tell you. for me, the grief is still too near. boromir is sitting alone. aragorn approaches him. we should leave now. it is not the eastern shore that worries me. a shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. something draws near, i can feel it. the horn of gondor! if we are quick, we will catch frodo and sam before nightfall. you mean not to follow them.