i think i'll just have myself another ale. i ain't been dropping no eaves, sir! honest. i was just cutting the grass under the window there, if you follow me. i heard raised voices. nothing important. that is, i heard a good deal about a ring. and a dark lord. and something about the end of the world, but. please, mr. gandalf, sir, don't hurt me! don't turn me into anything unnatural! this is it. if i take one more step it'll be the farthest away from home i've ever been. mr. frodo. mr. frodo! frodo turns, surprised as sam comes running towards him. i thought i lost you. frodo looks at sam suspiciously. sam glances down, embarrassed. it's just something gandalf said. he said"don't you leave him, samwise gamgee." and i don't mean to. what's the meaning of this! you've been into farmer maggot's crop! trust a brandybuck and a took. a shortcut to what? frodo? anything? get down! frodo! what do we do now? you've had a whole half already. merry watches pippin go. that fellow's done nothing but stare at you since we've arrived. let him go or i'll have you, longshanks! did you hear that, bill? rivendell! we're going to see the elves! we saved some for you, mr. frodo. back, you devils! no! frodo! mr. frodo!! help him, strider! do something. we are six days from rivendell. frodo groans. he'll never make it! close on: frodo. head lolling about, barely conscious. athelas? kingsfoil. aye. it's a weed. she's an elf. what are you doing! those wraiths are still out there! frodo! frodo! bless you, you're awake!! we were worried about you--weren't we, mr. gandalf? no, what have i forgotten? pull back to reveal frodo, hands in his pocket, watching sam. no harm in being prepared. frodo strolls to the edge of the balcony. i do. i did. it's just. we did what gandalf wanted, didn't we? we got the ring this far, to rivendell. and i thought. seeing as how you're on the mend, we'd be off soon. off home. here! mr. frodo's not gong anywhere without me. should not be too hard. what is that? bye, bill. goodbye, bill. well, there's an eye opener and no mistake! mr. frodo! i think i'm getting the hang of this. he's alive! mr. frodo? mr. frodo! mr. frodo! not alone, frodo. mr. frodo! frodo, in the boat, paddling steadfastly away from the of course you are. and i'm coming with you! i made a promise, mr. frodo. a promise. "don't you leave him, samwise gamgee." and i don't mean to. i don't mean to. strider'll look after them. we may yet, mr. frodo. we may.