their pace has quickened. they must have caught our scent. hurry! not idly do the leaves of lrien fall. less than a day ahead of us. come! rohan. home of the horse-lords. there is something strange at work here. some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us. legolas, what do your elf eyes see? saruman. riders of rohan, what news from the mark? i am aragorn, son of arathorn. this is gimli, son of glin and legolas of the woodland realm. we are friends of rohan and of thoden, your king. we are not spies. we track a party of uruk-hai westward across the plain. theyve taken two of our friends captive. they would be small – only children to your eyes. aaarrgghh!!! a hobbit lay here, and the other. they crawled. their hands were bound. their bonds were cut. they ran over here. they were followed. the tracks lead away from the battle. into fangorn forest. these are strange tracks. gimli! lower your axe. man cenich? do not let him speak. he will put a spell on us. we must be quick. where are they? who are you? show yourself! it cannot be. you fell. gandalf! wait. no, my lord! no, my lord. let him go. enough blood has been spilled on his account. you have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. omer is loyal to you. his men will return and fight for their king. open war is upon you. whether you would risk it or not. hes only doing what he thinks is best for his people. helms deep has saved them in the past. they will hold. go. you have some skill with a blade. what do you fear, my lady? you are a daughter of kings, a shieldmaiden of rohan. i do not think that would be your fate. its the beards. i am asleep. this is a dream. min lû pennich nin i aur hen telitha. dolen i vd o nin. arwen… but never more than a memory. she stays because she still has hope. idhren emmen menna gui ethwel. hae o auth a nr a naeth. i am mortal; you are elfkind. it was a dream, arwen, nothing more. this belongs to you. she is sailing to the undying lands, with all that is left of her kin. wargs! we are under attack! get them out of here! brego… mae carnen, brego, mellon nn. gimli, where is the king? hannon le. all isengard is emptied ten thousand strong at least. it is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men. they will be here by nightfall. they do not come to destroy rohans crops or villages. they come to destroy its people. down to the last child. send out riders, my lord. you must call for aid. gondor will answer. farmer, farriers, stable boys. these are no soldiers. si beriathar hýn. amar n ned edoras. then i shall die as one them! give me your sword. what is your name? this is a good sword, haleth, son of hma. there is always hope. -moe edhored, legolas. mae govannen, haldir. you are most welcome! a eruchn, -dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas! dartho! tangado halad! leithio i philinn! fire! pendraid! swords! swords! na fennas! togo hon dad, legolas! dago hon! dago hon! gimli! hado i philinn! herio! na barad! na baraad! haldir, na barad! haldir!! how long do you need? gimli! its a long way. what? not a word. hurry! inside! get them inside! you said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it! they still defend it! they have died defending it! is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves? is there no other way? send word for the women and children to make for the mountain pass. and barricade the entrance. ride out with me. ride out and meet them. for rohan. for your people. gandalf.