bind their hands. what news? how many? whos covering the river to the north? saruman attacks from isengard. sauron from mordor. the fight will come to men on both fronts. gondor is weak. sauron will strike us soon. and he will strike hard. he knows now we do not have the strength to repel him. my men tell me that you are orc spies. well if youre not spies, then who are you? speak. your bodyguard? and where is your skulking friend? that gangrel creature. he had an ill-favoured look. youre a friend of boromir? it will grieve you then to learn that he is dead. as one of his companions, id hoped you would tell me. he was my brother. you must come with me. now. down there. to enter the forbidden pool bears the penalty of death. they wait for my command. shall i shoot? where are you leading them? answer me! what did they steal? so. this is the answer to all the riddles. here in the wild i have you. two halflings and a host of men at my call. the ring of power within my grasp. a chance for faramir, captain of gondor, to show his quality. prepare to leave. the ring will go to gondor. hurry. take them to my father. tell him faramir sends a mighty gift. a weapon that will change our fortunes in this war. nazgūl!! stay here. keep out of sight. take cover! i think at last we understand one another, frodo baggins. then it is forfeit. release them.