gandalf! gandalf! noooooooooooooooo!!!! gaaandaaaaalf!! gandalf! nothing. just a dream. he didnt mean for a lot of things to happen, sam. but they did. its getting heavier. what food have we got left? nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it sam? its because weve been here before! were going in circles. yes. i can smell it. were not alone. this is sting. youve seen it before, havent you. gollum! release him or ill cut your throat! maybe he does deserve to die, but now that i see him, i do pity him. theres no promise you can make that i can trust. the ring is treacherous. it will hold you to your word. sam! you know the way to mordor? youve been there before? you will lead us to the black gate. gollum. what did you say? who are you? gandalf told me you were one of the river folk. he said your life was a sad story. you were not so very different from a hobbit once, were you. smagol? that was your name once, wasnt it? a long time ago. argh! argh!! i did. sam, no! i do not ask you to come with me, sam. now! are you saying theres another way into mordor? hes led us this far, sam. hes been true to his word. lead the way, smagol. why do you do that? call him names; run him down all the time. you have no idea what it did to him. what its still doing to him. i want to help him, sam. because i have to believe he can come back. what do you know about it? nothing! i'm sorry, sam. i don't know why i said that. i know what i have to do sam. the ring was entrusted to me! it's my task! mine! my own! weve got to get moving. come on, sam. smagol? weve lingered here too long. come on, sam! we are hobbits of the shire. frodo baggins is my name and this is samwise gamgee. there was no other. we set out from rivendell with seven companions. one we lost in mria. two were my kin. a dwarf there was also, and an elf. and two men, aragorn, son of arathorn, and boromir of gondor. yes. for my part. dead? how? when? wait! this creature is bound to me. and i to him. he is our guide. please, let me go down to him. smagol. master is here. come, smagol. trust master. come! smagol, you must trust master. follow me, come on. come. come, smagol. nice smagol. thats it. come on. dont hurt him! smagol dont struggle! smagol listen to me! i cant. you were right, sam. you tried to tell me, but… im sorry. the rings taking me sam. if i put it on, hell find me. hell see. no!! the ring will not save gondor. it has only the power to destroy. please, let me go. faramir, you must let me go! its calling to him, sam. his eye is almost on me. theyre here. theyve come. aaarrgghh!!! i cant do this, sam. what are we holding on to, sam? what? huh, you left out one of the chief characters – samwise the brave. i want to hear more about sam. frodo wouldnt have got far without sam. so was i. smagol! smagol?