three days and nights pursuit. no food. no rest. and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell. i am wasted on cross-country! we dwarves are natural sprinters! very dangerous over short distances! keep breathing! thats the key! breathe! ho! give me your name, horsemaster, and i shall give you mine. but there were two hobbits. did you see two hobbits with them? dead? its one of their wee belts. we failed them. fangorn. what madness drove them in there? ptui! orc blood. the air is so close in here. huh? oh. gandalf! youll find more cheer in a graveyard. i would stay still, if i were you. helms deep! they flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. who will defend them if not their king. its true you dont see many dwarf women. and in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, haha that theyre often mistaken for dwarf men. and this, in turn, has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women. and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground! hehehe! which is of course ridiculous… whoa!! its alright, its alright. nobody panic. that was deliberate. it was deliberate. come on, get me up here, im a rider! argh! forward. i mean, charge forward! march forward! thats it! go on! bring your pretty face to my axe! argh! that one counts as mine! argh! stinking creature. argh! ooh! oooh!! aragorn? tell me what happened and i will ease your passing. my lady. he fell. where is he? where is he? get out of the way. im gonna kill him! you are the luckiest, the canniest and the most reckless man i ever knew! bless you, laddie! this is no rabble of mindless orcs. these are uruk-hai. their armor is thick and their shields broad. most have seen too many winters. let him go, lad. let him be. if we had more time id get this adjusted. its a little tight across the chest. you could have picked a better spot. well lad, whatever luck you live by, lets hope it lasts the night. lets hope they last the night. whats happening out there? hehehehe!! did they hit anything? send them to me! cmon! good! legolas, two already! argh! ill have no pointy-ear outscoring me! seventeen! eighteen! nineteen! twenty! twenty-one! twenty-two! aragorn!! argh! what are you doing? argh! what are you stopping for! come on! we can take em! toss me. i cannot jump the distance! youll have to toss me! oh! dont tell the elf. argh!! the sun is rising. yes!