the thieves! the thieves! the filthy little thieves! where is it? where isss it? they stole it from us. my preciousss. curse them! we hates them! its ours, it is. and we wantssss it! it burns! it burns us! it freezes! nasty elves twisted it. take it off us! no! that would kill us! kill us! we be nice to them if they be nice to us. take it off us. we swears to do what you wants. we swears. we swears to serve the master of the preciousss. we swears on. on the precious. *gollum. gollum.* yes. on the preciousss. on the preciousss. yes. yes. see, see, we have led you out! hurry hobbitses hurry. very lucky we find you. nice hobbit. a swamp, yes, yes. come, master. we will take you on safe paths through the mist. come, hobbits, come. we go quickly. i found it, i did. the way through the marshes. orcs don't use it. orcs don't know it. they go round for miles and miles. come quickly. swift and quick as shadows we must be. all dead. all rotten. elves and men and orcses. a great battle long ago. the dead marshes. yes, yes that is their name. this way. dont follow the lights. careful now, or hobbits go down to join the dead ones and light little candles of their own. dont follow the lights! sooo bright. sooo beautiful. our preciousss. master should be resting. master needs to keep up his strength. mustnt ask us. not its business. *gollum, gollum* cold be heart and hand and bone. cold be travellers far from home. they do not see what lies ahead, when sun has failed and moon is dead. what did you call me? my name. my name. s. s. smagol… argh!! hide! hide! quick! they will see us! they will see us! dead? no, you cannot kill them. no. wraiths! wraiths on wings! they are calling for it. they are calling for the preciousss. hurry, hobbits. the black gate is very close. the black gate of mordor. master says to show him the way into mordor, so good smagol does. master says so. master! no! no, no master! they catch you! they catch you! dont take it to him! he wants the preciousss. always hes looking for it! and the preciousss is wanting to go back to him. but we mustnt let him have it. no! theres another way. more secret. a dark way. because master did not ask! yes. there is a path, and some stairs, and then… a tunnel. good smagol always helps. we wants it. we needs it. must have the precioussss. they stole it from us. sneaky little hobbitsesss. wicked, trickssssy, falssse! yes, precious. false. they will cheat you, hurt you, lie. you dont have any friends. nobody likes you. youre a liar and a thief. mur…derer…! go away! hahahaha!! where would you be without me? *gollum, gollum*. i saved us. it was me. we survived because of me! what did you say? what? no!! arrrgh!!! whats taters, preciousss? whats taters uh? wicked men. servants of sauron. they are called to mordor. the dark one is gathering all armies to him. it wont be long now. he will soon be ready. to make his war. the last war that will cover all the world in shadow. the rock and pool is nice and cool, so juicy sweet! i only wish to catch a fish , so juicy sweet! we must go now? master!! no! no! sma…gol. why does it cry, smagol? of course he did. i told you he was tricksy. i told you he was false. master betrayed us. filthy little hobbitses. they stole it from us. myyy… preciousss!! aaaarrrggghhh!!! master broke his promise. master betrayed us! wicked, tricksy, false. we ought to wring his filthy little neck. kill him! kill him! kill them both. and then we take the precious and we be the master. then we stabs them out. put out his eyeses. and make him crawl. kill them both. we could let her do it. yes, precious she could. and then we takes it once theyre dead. shh… Follow me.