come on, gimli! they may yet be alive. come, gimli! we are gaining on them! the uruks turn northeast. theyre taking the hobbits to isengard! theyve run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them. a red sun rises. blood has been spilled this night. you would die before your stroke fell! hiro th… ab 'wanath. this forest is old. very old. full of memory. and anger. the trees are speaking to each other. aragorn, nad n ennas! the white wizard approaches. that is one of the mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell. argh! a scout! aragorn! you lie! le ab-dollen. you look terrible. or too few. look at them. theyre frightened. i can see it in their eyes. boe a hûn: neled herain dan caer menig! aragorn, men i ndagor. hýn -. ortheri. natha daged aen! we have trusted you this far. you have not led us astray. forgive me. i was wrong to despair. that is no orc horn. your friends are with you, aragorn. shall i describe it to you? or would you like me to find you a box? faeg i-varv dn na lanc a nu ranc. im on seventeen! nineteen! aragorn!