i think. we might have made a mistake leaving the shire, pippin. its the trees. do you remember the old forest? on the borders of buckland? folk used to say that there was something in the water that made the trees grow tall. and come alive. trees that could whisper. talk to each other. even move. pippin, lets go. pippin! the belt! run! trees! climb a tree! he's gone. a treeherder! a shepherd of the forest. were not orcs. were hobbits! no, you dont understand. were hobbits. halflings! shirefolk! saruman. isengard? its sarumans army! the war has started. whats that? a gathering of what? yes? and what about saruman? have you come to a decision about him? hasty? our friends are out there! they need our help! they cannot fight this war on their own. how can that be your decision?! but you're part of this world! arent you?! you must help, please! you must do something! the fires of isengard will spread. and the woods of tuckborough and buckland will burn. and all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. there won't be a shire, pippin. are you mad? well be caught! yes! pippin, hold on!