what is it, mr. frodo? mordor. the one place in middle-earth we dont want to see any closer, and the one place were trying to get to. its just where we cant get. lets face it, mr. frodo, were lost. i dont think gandalf meant for us to come this way. mr. frodo? its the ring, isnt it? well, let me see. oh yes, lovely – lembas bread. and look! more lembas bread. i don't usually hold with foreign food, but this elvish stuff, its not bad. those rain clouds might. this looks strangely familiar. ah! what's that 'orrid stink? i'll warrant there's a nasty bog nearby. can you smell it? quiet you! its hopeless! every orc in mordors going to hear this racket! lets just tie him up and leave him. its no more than you deserve! i dont believe you! get down! i said, down! hes trying to trick us! we let him go hell throttle us in our sleep! whoa, its a bog! hes led us into a swamp! there are dead things! dead faces in the water! ohh! frodo! mr. frodo! are you alright? black riders! cmon frodo! c'mon! i thought they were dead! mr. frodo! its alright. im here. oh save us. my ol' gaffer'd have a thing or two to say if he could see us now. thats it then. we cannot get past that. look! the gate, it's opening! i can see a way down. argh!! i know, mr frodo. i doubt even these elvish cloaks will hide us in there. why havent you spoken of this before?! hes up to something. mr. frodo, no. no! hey stinker! dont go getting too far ahead! what? because… because that's what he is, mr. frodo. there's naught left in 'im but lies and deceit. it's the ring he wants. it's all he cares about. why? you cant save him, mr. frodo. i do. it's the ring. you can't take your eyes off it. i've seen you. you're not eating. you barely sleep. it's taken a hold of you, mr frodo. you have to fight it! cant you hear yourself? dont you know who you sound like? youll make him sick, you will, behaving like that! theres only one way to eat a brace of coneys. whats to ruin? theres hardly any meat on em. what we need is a few good taters. po-tay-toes! boil em. mash em. stick em in a stew. lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. even you couldnt say no to that. youre hopeless. mr. frodo? who are they? ready to do what? mr frodo! look! its an oliphaunt! no one at home will believe this. ah! spies?! now wait just a minute! his gardener. we have to get out of here. you go. go, now! you can do it. use the ring, mr. frodo. just this once. put it on. disappear. mr. frodo. stop it! leave him alone! dont you understand? hes got to destroy it. thats where were going. into mordor. to the mountain of fire. please. its such a burden. will you not help him? mr frodo! hold on, mr. frodo… you'll be alright. do you want to know what happened to boromir? you want to know why your brother died? he tried to take the ring from frodo! after swearing an oath to protect him, he tried to kill him! the ring drove your brother mad! mr frodo? what are you doing? where are you going?! its me. its your sam. dont you know your sam? i know. its all wrong. by rights we shouldnt even be here. but we are. its like in the great stories, mr. frodo. the ones that really mattered. full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didnt want to know the end. because how could the end be happy? how could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? but in the end, its only a passing thing, this shadow. even darkness must pass. a new day will come. and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. those were the stories that stayed with you. that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. but i think, mr. frodo, i do understand. i know now. folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didnt. they kept going because they were holding on to something. theres some good in this world, mr. frodo. and its worth fighting for. i wonder if well ever be put into songs or tales. i wonder if people will ever say, lets hear about frodo and the ring. and theyll say yes, thats one of my favorite stories. frodo was really courageous, wasnt he, dad. yes, my boy, the most famousest of hobbits. and thats saying alot. now mr. frodo, you shouldnt make fun. i was being serious. samwise the brave. were not gonna wait for you. come on! wheres he gone? hey gollum, where are you?