trading jews for grain. mazeltov. how many times--i can't eat shellfish. it's "treyf". i like it. i like the hat - to remind us there's something above us. i like that. finally getting in touch with what's important, my son? always remember, son, there's something above you. jesus was jewish. you're worshipping a jew. that's my grandson. what the hell's the matter? at least there'll be religious freedom. dmitri volkoff? now and then. the luckiest man alive. you know he was one of the first men at chernobyl. off-duty, at his daughter's wedding, he was roaring drunk. he was the only one who survived. later they found that alcohol in your blood resists radiation. major general. he got promoted. two of his rivals were also there that day. i told you - he's the luckiest man alive. we're not fools, yuri. what's between you and your wife is your own business but i don't think you're going to odessa to open a mcdonald's. is this how you want to be remembered? it's not kosher. vitaly, who is this? "crimean restaurant".