baby blue. my favorite color! i don't know if you'll be taking me to bed tonight, darling, but you can take her. popular hotel, huh? a photo shoot. at least, that was the plan. but the photographer's plane got stuck in miami. hurricane - though there was nothing in the news. the job's cancelled and there's no flight back to new york 'til tuesday. this is your plane? don't apologize. i put on clothes for a living. i would be if half the photographers had their way. but i can't complain. i'm paid to say, "cheese". what about you? what, like ups or something? business is good. but if you did? this is no accident, is it, yuri? what do you believe in? yuri likes to spoil you. nicki! you did it. good boy! yuri. don't you want to see what your son is doing? what's over? that's nice. your son is crawling. yes, i'll accept the charges. hey, baby. you forgotten what time it is? they're going in another direction. the direction of someone who can act. and you're biased. where are you? is everything okay? come home. we miss you. asleep in our bed. it's lonely without you. it's always a party where you are. i love you. yuri, i just got off the phone with the dealer. i sold my first painting. someone important. they want to remain anonymous. how was your trip? i'm sorry. poor darling. he tried to stay up. my first painting. i'm officially an artist! yuri! yuri, they're beautiful. but what am i going to wear them with? vitaly. it's ava. hush, nicki. i don't believe you. get out. he's with your parents. i can't wear the clothes. i can't wear the jewelry. i can't drive the car. i can't live in this house. everything1s got blood on it. of course i'm melodramatic. i'm a failed actress, remember? we need to talk about it. now we do. --i've talked to your parents. why do you think they don't want your money? they know where it comes from. we all know. --yuri, i see the news. sierra leone-- --what do you think is pointing at the victims when they use those machetes? i see the pictures. yuri, the guns are bigger than the boys. i don't care if it's legal, it's wrong. please stop. let them. we have enough. you're not that little boy in odessa anymore, lining up for a loaf of bread-- what is it? you will? you promise? yuri, the president of liberia is in the lobby. was that about the oil or the timber? sorry, nicki has swim practice. personally, i'm glad you're going. you've been here so long you're starting to get on my nerves. that would be fun. yes, i trust you. that's him. it's a game. yes. not that. not that, yuri.