nephew, come here and hug the luckiest man alive.
this is the slk?
i can't just sell you government property, yuri. i have to report--
new flag, new boss.
no, it's a "4".
someone will work this out, yuri. what happens then?
kids grow up fast around here.
how can i? you keep selling my helicopters. you're too greedy, yuri.
we'll be going in reverse. we can't turn around for a mile.
we shoot it out?
so we run.
not for the gunship. yuri, you know the penalty for sanction-busting - selling a military helicopter?
listen to the nephew.
what, yes?
trying to beat your offer. i sent him on his way. he doesn't understand the concept of loyalty.
even your enemy was admiring that car. i am the luckiest man alive.