not exactly "the love boat". papers. the end-user certificate for this aircraft states burkina faso. nice. did you type it yourself? you're a humanitarian? also going to burkina faso? what do you take me for? a complete fucking fool? you expect me to believe this is a coincidence? yuri orlov. you and i are going to be seeing a lot of each other. watch out for the time you don't see me. where in god's name is he going? is he lost? --charlie, echo, india. descend for landing on heading zero. two. nine. --charlie, echo, india. comply immediately. that was your last warning. rock your wings if you intend to comply. he can't get far. i want a truck waiting on the tarmac. hey, you! no, mbizi. no, no, no. i can't do that. we will. no. find the pilots. what are you doing in sierra leone? shooting wildebeests with submachine guns? you're trafficking arms. trade or traffic, you make a fortune by keeping the poorest people on the planet killing each other. do you know why i do what i do? i am legally permitted to hold you for twenty-four hours without charging you. you'll be pleased to know your colleagues were no more co-operative than you. i was hoping you could help us with that. i understand your parents died tragically in ei salvador. that regime has startling similarities to several of the regimes supplied by your husband. one of yours? we performed the autopsy and released your brother's body to your family. you tried to do something decent, yuri. you went against your nature. and now it's cost you. your brother's funeral is looking a lot like your funeral. you're right, as usual. what? are you not paying attention or are you delusional? you've broken every arms embargo written. there's enough in those briefcases to buy you consecutive life sentences. you'll spend ten years going from a cell to a courtroom before you even start doing your time. you are delusional. i would tell you to go to hell. but i think you're already there.