it's good p.r. - for the moscow olympics. we're not jewish. it's a hell of a fucking career move. and you want to help with that? what do you know about guns? i don't know. maybe doing nothing's better than doing this. yuri, i've actually fired one of these things. they're talking. boh. boh. oh, boh! what do we do, go more legitimate? what i'd give right now for a plate of red cabbage and potatoes. maybe we can offload it - the balkans. we have to get out of here. yuri! i've got belgium. yes, why? hey, fuck you! now what? yuri! it's my brother, yuri. he's my big brother. ukraine. i start in odessa, work my way to the crimea-- you fuck! please. please. you're a good brother. traditional. merry fucking christmas! her name really is angel. she's a fairy. let's stick her on top of the christmas tree. i miss odessa. i miss you. this calls for a drink. you know, still the resident family fuck-up. she knows, right? shit, you're good. you almost had me convinced. we're going, baby. come to see how the other half lives? you too. they said you went legitimate - hard to believe. i can't. i'm thinking of opening my own place. i've given my word. why do you need me all of a sudden? jesus. yuri, i need to talk to you. now. we can't do this deal. look over there. as soon as we leave, they're going to die. they killed a boy just now - as young as nicki. today we can. they're right there - close enough to touch. and if we go ahead - they'll kill them. nothing. you're right, yuri. you're right. did i hear you say 300 ipg's, 500 assault rifles and 800 grenades? i thought it was 1,200 grenades. i'd better check. something for yuri.