i was here yesterday. how would you like to take me to dinner? okay, then, i'll take you to dinner. where's your phone? i have to call another taxi. can you give me the number for united cab? thanks. yes, i need a taxi at arnie's auto repair, the corner of fifth and. why don't we just skip dinner7 take off my clothes. i want more. can i call you? okay, baby. is that car following us? i don't recognize the car. it's me. i can't see you tonight. i have to go somewhere with mr. eddy. i think he suspects something. we have to be careful. i miss you. pete? i'll call you again. meet me at the starlight motel on sycamore. i'll be there in twenty minutes. up here. come on. i already got the room. he'll kill us. i'm not positive. but. he knows. i don't know. no. no. i don't want to live without you. we have to get away. we have to get some money. i know a guy. he pays girls to party with him. he always has alotta cash. he'd be easy to rob. then we'd have the money. and we could get away . we'd be together. i used to. no, honey. it was part of the deal. he works for mr. eddy. he makes films for mr. eddy. yeah. pete. don't. it was a long time ago. i met someone at this place called moke's. we became friends. he told me about a job. no. a job. i didn't know what. he set up an appointment for me to see a man. i went to this place. they made me wait forever. there was some guy guardin' the door. i started gettin' nervous. in another room i could see some guy liftin' if you want me to go away, i'll go away. i love you, pete. so, should i call andy? that's his name. andy. our ticket out of here. i'll set it up for tomorrow night. you'll meet me at his place at eleven o'clock. don't drive there. take a bus . make sure no one follows you. his address is easy to remember. it's 2224 deep dell place. it's a white stucco job on the south side of the street. i'll be upstairs with andy. the back door will be open. that leads into the kitchen - go through the kitchen to the living room - there's a bar there. at eleven fifteen, i'll ask andy to fix me a drink. when he does, you can crack him in the head. okay? lemme call him now. make sure he's not already busy tomorrow night. andy?. it's me, alice. how ya doin?. andy. i can get away tomorrow night. i could come to your house. that sounds good. around nine. yeah, me too, andy. great. see ya then. set. 'cause that's how long it's gonna take, baby. are you kidding?. i've got so much on andy, it isn't funny. i'm not goin' home tonight . i'm goin' somewhere else. to a girlfriend's house. but, we still have a coupla things to take care of. this. and this. are you my man? are you gonna be a man about this, pete? are you? you got him. wow! put this in your pocket. you all right? you killed him. it was an accident. accidents happen every day. we gotta get the stuff and get out of here. that's me. pete?. up the stairs - down the hall. don't you trust me, pete?. stick that in your belt. look at all this shit. i know a fence. he'll give us money and get us passports in exchange for this and the car. we can go anywhere. come on, baby. you drive. come on. we have to go to the desert. he's at his cabin. we'll have to wait. so we can be together. you still want to be with me, don't you pete? more than ever? you'll never have me.