the wife killer? his condition? what do you mean? same as always. pete takes care of himself. was he in a fight? that doesn't sound like pete. no. only what was in the news. sometimes he stays at a friend's. a girl's, a buddy's. i don't know. he's his own man; he comes and goes as he pleases. have you made any charges against him? then he's coming home with his mother and me. just rest easy, pete. you're gonna be okay. where's pete? you talk to him? how're you feelin'? arnie called this morning while you were sleepin'. they miss you pretty bad down at the garage. i told 'im you still had a "fever". nice to know they can't seem to get along without ya. you really don't remember the other night, do you? the night before you showed up in the slammer. do ya good. sit down a minute. sit down. you don't look so good. the police called us. they wanted to know if we'd had a chance to find out what happened to you the other night. they wanted to know if you remembered anything. you came home. your friend sheila brought you here. yes, there was a man with you. she brought you here. she didn't know what else to do. never saw him before in my life. we're not saying anything about that night to the police. we should all forget that night. no. why don't you two come inside and talk things over quietly. come on. come on in, sheila. sheila. sheila. don't.