i don't know yet. he's just been fingerprinted, and i'll run these blood tests right away. we'll find out soon enough. (slowly, deliberately not even close. i examined madison last night, marshall. he had a headache. i did a routine once-over, and gave him a sleeping pill. i've never seen this man before. neither have the guards. i don't think he's in the system. he has a hematoma on his forehead and a condition called blepharitis. that's redness and swelling around the eyes. these conditions don't indicate a fight. he can't talk. or won't. your son has experienced some sort of trauma, i'm afraid. we were hoping that the two of you could help explain the cause of the trauma and how he came to be here. you're in the state penitentiary. you were found in a cell on death row. from a medical standpoint, i don't see why not.